Instrukcja obsługi Pentatech RA170Q

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Strona 1/2
Where to locate
For minimum protection, smoke alarms should be installed in
every bedroom, children's room and hallway. In habitable
attics, a smokealarm should beinstalled abovethe stairs.
The alarm sound must be loud enough to wake sleeping
residentsin the case of fire.
In the case of open connections between floors, one smoke
alarm should beinstalled on each level.
Smoke alarms must be installedon theceiling, asclose to the
center of the ceiling as possible. The minimum distance to
walls,light fittings, electrical wirings and applilances,beams,
and furniture must be 50cm.
In rooms where the ceiling has a slope of > 20°,"dead" air at
the peak of the ceiling may prevent the smoke from rising.
Therefore in these rooms, the smoke alarmsmust beinstalled
min. 0.5 mand max. 1 m from the peak of the ceiling. Ceilings
with an inclination of 20°should be regardedas horizontal
In L-shaped rooms, thesmoke alarm should beinstalled at the
mitre line (see diagram). In large L-shaped rooms, each side
of the room should be regarded as a separate room.
The maximuminstallation height of a smoke alarm should not
exceed 6m.
Rooms that are separated by partition walls, beams, or
furniture,should be protected by a smoke alarm in each part of
If the room is larger than 60m²,the installation of additional
In hallways with a maximum breadth of 3m, the distance
between two smoke alarms must not exceed 15m. The
distance of a smoke alarm to the end wall must not exceed
7.5m. In each intersection, junction, and cornerof a hallway,
theremust beone smokealarm (mitreline).
The smoke alarm should be easily accessible to carry out
cleaning and testing.
Further information about thelocation of smokealarms can be found in theDIN 14676.
If a building is too complicated or too large,please contact a security expert or the firedepartment.
On thewall or near doors,windows, openings in theceiling, fans etc., where draftsmay blowaway smoke
or cause false alarms.
In areas where thetemperatures are regularly below 0°Cor above 55°C.
In high humidity areas (e.g.bathroom).
In small or poorly ventilated garagesor kitchens,whereexhaust fumesor steam may cause false alarms.
In insect-infected areas.
In placeswhere youcannot easily access the smoke alarm for testing and cleaning.
In areas where air circulation may cause false alarms, e.g. in staircases outside the apartments (in
Near light fittings or electrical wiring and appliances .
Near extremely bright light sources or direct sunlight.
In areas where dust or dirt may impair the function of the smoke alarm or cause false alarms (e.g.
workshops or barns).
In areas where heavy cigarettesmoke can be expected.
Near openfireplaces,ovens,stoves etc.(minimum distance 4m).
Locations to Avoid:
(minimumdistance 50cm)
Userand InstallationManual
Package contents
Safety instructions
Please read this manual completely - it contains important information on the function, installation,
placement and maintenance of this product. Please keep this manual and hand it out to third persons, if
necessary. If this unit is installed by an installer, this manual must be handed out to the owner of the
apartment after installation.Owners or residents are responsiblefor maintaining thesmoke alarm.
Installation site: Date of initial operation:
This smoke alarm detects smoke from smoldering fires at an early stage and warns with a loud pulsating alarm
(85 dBA/3 m). It is designed for the use in private households and habitable recreational vehicles and is not
approved for public,industrial or commercial buildings. Thefields of operation of smoke alarms are described
in DIN 14676. In the case of fire, smoke alarms can only give alarm, if the smoke reaches them. Everything
that prevents thesmoke fromentering the smokealarm's housing may delayor even preventthe alarm.A fire
in another room,floor, or area of the homewill only be reportedwhenthesmoke reachesthesmoke alarm. For
this reason, youshould install a smoke alarm in every room -at leastone on each floor, observe theminimum
protection according to your local legislation. Smokealarms areno substitute for a property or life insurance.
Appropriate coverageis your responsibility. This smoke alarm is not suitable for deaf persons.
Contaminationof the smokealarm bydust ordirt may lead to falsealarms. If the dirt cannot be removed from
outside as described in the chapter "Maintenance/Cleaning", the unit has to be replaced by a newone. There is
no warranty for dirty units. This smoke alarm is equipped with a built-in non-exchangeablebattery and has to
bereplaced after 10 years of operationat the latest. A reliableearlywarning offireand smoke is only given,if
this smokealarm is used according to theseinstructions.
Unlessthere is a statutory obligation, the manufacturer is not responsiblefor further claims, including personal
or material damages, arising from theuseof the product or from nonfunction or malfunction of the product.
Operating voltage: 3 V DC
Power supply: 1pc. 3 Vbuilt-in lithium battery
Battery lifetime: 10 years*
Battery warning: up to 30 days, one beep approx. every 40 seconds
Smokesensor: photoelectric
Warning sound: piezo-electric, 85dB(A) at 3 m
Operation indication: status indicator flashesweakly approx. every 40 seconds
Alarm silencing indication: status indicator flashesweakly approx. every 5 seconds
Test button: to test electronics, battery and warning sound
Temperaturerange: 0° to+55° C
Air humidity: 20% to 80 %
Tests: according to DIN EN 14604 and vfdb 14-01, produced in
certified production site according to ISO 9001
* calculated life expectancy in normal use, at 21° C,without alarm triggering
Smoke alarm with built-in battery and mounting plate
3M adhesive pad
Do not damage any gas, electricity, water or telecommunication lines during drilling and fixing work.
Otherwise there aredangers of fire, personal and fatal injury.
Ensure that the alarm sirenis not activated next to somebody's ear. Otherwise there is a dangerof hearing
Do notpaint or paste the smokealarm, and donot cover it, otherwiseitsfunction will be impaired.
Avoid touching leaking or damagedbatteries! Use suitable safety glovesand clothing! Otherwise you may
risk injury bycausticacid!
Do not short-out batteries, and do not rechargethem. Otherwiseyou may risk death by explosion!
Do not ty to openthem, and do not burn them!Otherwise there is danger of explosion!
Indexa GmbH
Paul-Böhringer-Str. 3
D-74229 Oedheim
Subject to change, 2024/03/18
Extended test according
to vfdb 14-01
Declaration of Performance: RA170Q-DoP-001
EN 14604:2005+AC:2008
Purpose: fire protection (smoke detector)
Declaration of Performance according to CPR
available at
Mounting plate
Holes for screws
3. Brackets
4. Openings
5. Button
6. Status indicator
1 2 3 3 2 4 4 5 6
2 x screws and 2 x plugs
User and installation manual
Example: large hallway
Example: L-shaped room
Example: apartment
Example: multi-storey home
smoke alarm: minimum protection
smoke alarm: increased protection
bedroom bathroom kitchen
bedroom bedroom
bedroom bedroom
living room dining room
basement basement
1/2 1/2
max. 15 m
max. 7.5 m
Maintenance / Cleaning
Develop a plan of escape
What to do in the case of fire?
Replacing the smoke alarm
In rooms with excessive dust occurrence, the smoke alarm should be carefully cleaned with a vacuum cleaner
every six weeks. In other rooms, cleaning the smoke alarm every six months will be enough. The lid may be
wiped with a damp cloth. Do not use any aggressive cleaning fluids. Do not paint the smoke alarm. If the
smoke alarm showsany damage,it needsto be replaced.
Makea floorplan indicating at leasttwo escaperoutes fromeach bedroom.
Discuss your escape plan with all family members/residents. Children tend to hide themselves if they do
not know howto react.Practicebehaviour inthe case of firewith all residents.
Familiarize all family members with the sound of the smoke alarm. They should be prepared and know
what to do in thecase of fire.
Determine a place outside your home as a meeting point. This way you can make sure everyone has left
Askyour localfire departmentabout fireextinguishers andtheir useas well as howto bestprotect yourself.
Never extinguish grease fires with water, there is danger of explosion! Use an extinguishing device to
suffocatethe flames.
Alertall residents.
Stay calm and don't panic. Follow your escapeplan.Your safe escape depends on you to think clearly and
rememberwhat youhave practiced.
Everybody must leave the building on the safest way as quickly as possible. Don't waste time getting
dressed or picking up valuables.Do not use elevators.
Close doors behind you to slow downthe expansionof thefire.
Ifyou have tocross a smoke filled room, keep your head as low aspossible. Hold a(preferably damp)cloth
infront of your mouth.
Feel doors first before opening them. If theyare warm, they may be holding back the fire. In this case,try
to find another escape route. If the door surface is cool, place your shoulder against it and open it slightly.
Slamit shut,if heatand smokerush in.
Call the fire brigade,as soon as you haveleft the building.Give themyour exact address,and wait forthem
on the street.Never return inside thebuilding.
Thesmoke alarm must bereplaced at the latest:
10years aftercommissioning
beforethe dateprinted on the productlabel
if it showsno reactionto pressingthe button
if it isdamaged
if a lowbattery isindicated
if contamination or false alarms occur frequently despite cleaning and relocation
Packaging material, used batteries or electrical products must not be disposed of as household waste.
Useyour recyclingsystem. Detailsare available from yourlocal authority.
In addition to the statutory warranty claims against the retailer, this smoke alarm is warrantied for two years
from the date of purchase (date of receipt), according to the following conditions. This warranty only applies to
normal residential usein privatehouseholds. Thiswarranty only covers defectsin material or workmanshipand
is limited to the replacement or repair of faulty units. The guarantee is always limited to the customary price of
the product. This warranty does not apply to the battery. This warranty is valid only if the instructions on
operation and maintenance of the product have been followed. This warranty does not cover malfunctions due
to contamination by dust or dirt as well as damages resulting from misuse, negligent handling, external
influences, water or abnormal environmental conditions. The warranty expires, if repairs or modifications are
carried out by unauthorized persons. Warranties do not extend the guarantee period and do not start a new
guarantee period. After expiry of the guarantee period, repairs cannot be carried out. The Q label does not
affectthestatutorywarranty obligationsor thewarranty conditionsmentioned above.
1. Turn themounting plate[1] counterclockwiseand removeit fromthesmokealarm.
2. Writedown thedate ofcommissioning onthe nameplateand on the frontof theuser manual.
3. ,proceed asfollows:
a)Hold themounting platein thechosen location,and markthrough thescrewholes[2], usinga pencil.
b) - On wooden ceilings, use a 2.5 mm drill and drill a hole of approx. 20 mm depth. Fix the mounting
platewith thescrews supplied.
- On concrete ceilings, use a 4 mm drill and drill a holeof approx. 20mm depth and insert the plugs
supplied so that they are flush. Make sure the plugs are securely fixed in the screw holes.
If not, choose another installation site or use more suitable plugs. Fix the mounting plate with the
, use the adhesivepad supplied.Make
sure the surface is free from dust and grease. Pull one of the protective foilsfrom the pad and stick thepad
centrally to the outside of the mounting plate. Press it firmly for 10 seconds. Pull the other protective foil
from the pad and stick the mounting plate to the desired location. Press the mounting plate firmly to the
ceilingfor 10seconds.
4. Place the smoke alarm onto the mounting plate with the brackets [3] in the openings [4], and turn it
clockwiseuntil itlocks. Thiswill activatethe functioningof thesmoke alarm.
5. Test thefunction ofthe unit (see following chapter).
For caravans, installation with the adhesive pad is recommended. Otherwise, it must be ensured that the body
structureis not damaged by drilling.
If this smoke alarm is installed in a new building or during renovation, it should be mounted after all
building and decoratingworks arefinished, becauseit mustnot beexposed todust.
During subsequent construction and renovation activities which could produce dust, the smoke alarm
shouldalso betemporarily removed.
In normal operation, the status indicator [6] flashes weakly once approx. every 40 seconds. To test the smoke
alarm's functioning, press the button [5]. The alarm sounds in the form of three consecutive beeps. Do not test
thesmoke alarm with an open flame!The smokealarm should be testedregularly, e.g.when cleaning.
The smoke alarm should also betested after longerperiods of absence, e.g. after vacation and at least oncea
year. If the maintenanceis carried out by professionals, according to DIN 14676, a test at least once a year
( 3months) isrequired.
If thestatus indicator does not flash or the smoke alarm does not react to pressing the button [5], check the
-Is thesmoke alarm damaged?
-Is thesmokealarmfixed correctly to themounting plate?
Ifthe smokealarm detects smoke,a loudpulsating alarmwill soundand the statusindicator [6]will flashonce
every second. In the case of an alarm, always check whether it is due to an actual fire. If you are in doubt,
always assume that there is an actual fire and act accordingly (see "What to do in the case of fire"). After an
alarm,the unit is readyfor operation again.
This smoke alarm is highly sensitive. Due to the detection system, an alarm may be triggered by an influence
other than smoke from fires, especially by cigarette smoke, steam, dust or small insects. See thelocations to
avoidin the chapter "Whereto locate", and,if necessary, chooseanother location for the smoke alarm. When a
smoke alarm has been used for a long time,its sensing chamber will be contaminated inside.This leadsto an
increased tendency to trigger false alarms. In this case, try to clean the closed smoke alarm using a vacuum
cleaner. If thecontamination cannotbe removed,replace thesmoke alarm with a new one.
If an alarm has beentriggered e.g. due to cooking fumes, thealarm may be silenced for approx. 9 minutes by
pressing the button [5]. The status indicator will continueto flash once per second as long as the device is in
alarm status. After that, the silencing isindicated by a weak flashing of the statusindicator every 5 seconds. In
the case of an alarm, always check whether it is due to an actual fire, before you silence the alarm.If you are in
doubt,always assumethat thereis an actual fireand act accordingly (see"What todo inthe caseof fire?").
Weak flashing of the status indicator [6] approx. every 5 seconds indicates an alarm silencing, this will end
after 9 minutes.
If the smoke alarm beeps twice every 40 seconds, this is due to contamination of the measuring chamber,
draughts or other technical faults e.g. from electromagnetic fields. Such malfunctions may be removed by
cleaning or changing the position of thesmoke alarm.
When the battery reaches the end of its life, a single beep will sound every 40 seconds. Replace the smoke
alarmas soonas possible.For yoursafety, thebattery warningwill lastfor upto 30days.
For the installation with screws
Alternatively, for the installation on a smooth surface
Sincethe bottomof themounting plateis notsmooth, mountingwith magneticfastening isnot suitable.
Silencing the alarm
Warning signals
2 beeps approx. every 40 seconds
1 beep approx. every 40 seconds
No reaction to pressing the button
Alarm is triggered for no apparent
reason (false alarm)
Contamination or technical defect
eak battery
Smoke alarm is switched off or
battery is empty
Alarm is triggered by steam, dust,
or insects
Malfunction due to draught, light or
electromagnetic sources
Clean or replace the smoke alarm
Replace the smoke alarm
Check that the smoke alarm is firmly
fixed onto the mounting plate or
replace the smoke alarm
Clean or replace the smoke alarm
Change the placement of the smoke

Specyfikacje produktu

Marka: Pentatech
Kategoria: Detektor dymu
Model: RA170Q

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