Instrukcja obsล‚ugi Waves SM-1062221

Przeczytaj poniลผej ๐Ÿ“– instrukcjฤ™ obsล‚ugi w jฤ™zyku polskim dla Waves SM-1062221 (38 stron) w kategorii maszyna do ciฤ™cia. Ta instrukcja byล‚a pomocna dla 8 osรณb i zostaล‚a oceniona przez 2 uลผytkownikรณw na ล›rednio 4.5 gwiazdek

Strona 1/38
Salad Maker (EN)
Schneidemaschine (DE)
Machine ร  salade (FR)
Salladsmaskin (SE)
Snijmachine (NL)
Salaattikone (FI)
โ€ข This๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒappliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) when reduced
physical,๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒsensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience๎€ƒand๎€ƒ ๎€ƒknowledge, unless๎€ƒthey๎€ƒ
have๎€ƒbeen๎€ƒgiven๎€ƒsupervision use๎€ƒor๎€ƒinstruction๎€ƒconcerning๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ of๎€ƒthe๎€ƒapp
โ€ข Children๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒshould be supervised to ensure that they do not play with๎€ƒ ๎€ƒthe a
โ€ข Cleaning๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒand user maintenance shall๎€ƒnot be๎€ƒ ๎€ƒmade๎€ƒby๎€ƒchildren๎€ƒunless๎€ƒth
years๎€ƒand and๎€ƒabove๎€ƒ ๎€ƒsupervised.๎€ƒ
โ€ข Keep๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒthe appliance and its๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒcord out of reach of children aged less than 8
โ€ข Always๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒremove the power cord and let it cool:
Before๎€ƒthe๎€ƒunit๎€ƒ ๎€ƒis stored;๎€ƒ
After๎€ƒ ๎€ƒuse.
โ€ข Only๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒhave the appliance repaired by a qualified service centre.
โ€ข Qualified๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ โ€ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒservice center: after sales service of the manufacturer/i
qualified๎€ƒto to๎€ƒcarry๎€ƒout๎€ƒrepair๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒavoid any kind of danger.๎€ƒIn๎€ƒcase๎€ƒof๎€ƒprob
โ€ข Before๎€ƒuse,๎€ƒcheck๎€ƒthat๎€ƒthe the๎€ƒ ๎€ƒmains power๎€ƒ ๎€ƒsupply voltage๎€ƒ ๎€ƒis ๎€ƒsame๎€ƒand
โ€ข Always๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒplug the appliance into๎€ƒan๎€ƒearthed๎€ƒplug๎€ƒsocket.๎€ƒ
โ€ข Regularly๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒcheck the power cord for damage.
โ€ข If๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒthe supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer,๎€ƒ
similarly๎€ƒqualified๎€ƒperson๎€ƒin๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒorder to avoid a hazard.๎€ƒ
โ€ข Do๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒnot operate any appliance with a damaged cord or๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒplug or a
malfunctions,๎€ƒor or๎€ƒ ๎€ƒis dropped๎€ƒ ๎€ƒdamaged๎€ƒ ๎€ƒin any๎€ƒmanner.๎€ƒReturn๎€ƒapplianc
or๎€ƒthe๎€ƒnearest๎€ƒauthorized๎€ƒ ๎€ƒservice agent๎€ƒfor๎€ƒexamination,๎€ƒrepair๎€ƒor๎€ƒelect
โ€ข To๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒremove the plug from the plug socket,๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒpull the plug. Do not pull the p
โ€ข Make๎€ƒsure๎€ƒthe๎€ƒpower๎€ƒcord๎€ƒdoes๎€ƒnot hot๎€ƒcome contact๎€ƒ ๎€ƒinto ๎€ƒwith๎€ƒ ๎€ƒsurfaces
โ€ข Always๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒremove the plug from the plug socket๎€ƒbefore๎€ƒyou๎€ƒmove๎€ƒthe๎€ƒappli
โ€ข Do๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒnot use the appliance close to hot objects such as a stove or oven.
โ€ข This๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒappliance is intended to be used๎€ƒ ๎€ƒin household๎€ƒand๎€ƒsimilar๎€ƒapplicatio
o Staff๎€ƒkitchen๎€ƒareas๎€ƒ ๎€ƒin shop,๎€ƒoffices and๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒother working๎€ƒenvironment;
o Farm๎€ƒhouses;๎€ƒ
o By๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒclients in hotels, motels๎€ƒand๎€ƒother๎€ƒresidential๎€ƒtype๎€ƒenvironments
o Bed๎€ƒ ๎€ƒand breakfast๎€ƒtype๎€ƒenvironments.๎€ƒ
โ€ข The๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒuse of accessory attachment not recommended by the appliance
cause๎€ƒ ๎€ƒinjuries.
โ€ข Only๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒuse the appliance indoors, in dry areas away๎€ƒfrom๎€ƒwater.๎€ƒ
โ€ข Do๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒnot immerse the appliance or the mains plug in water or other liqui
to to๎€ƒlife๎€ƒdue๎€ƒ ๎€ƒelectric๎€ƒshock!๎€ƒ
โ€ข To๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒreduce the risk of electric shock, do not use the๎€ƒappliance๎€ƒoutdoors๎€ƒo
โ€ข Place๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒthe appliance on a stable, level๎€ƒsurface๎€ƒfrom๎€ƒwhich๎€ƒ ๎€ƒit cannot๎€ƒfall๎€ƒof
โ€ข Use a๎€ƒthe๎€ƒappliance๎€ƒon๎€ƒ ๎€ƒflat,๎€ƒdry๎€ƒand๎€ƒheat๎€ƒresistance๎€ƒsurface,๎€ƒnot๎€ƒon๎€ƒvarni
โ€ข Place๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒthe a ppliance at least 5cm of the wall or fl ammable objects๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ(such a
โ€ข Place๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒthe appliance on a stable, level surface and not close to hot obje
โ€ข Disconnect๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒthe mains plug: after each time operating; if there is any
โ€ข Ensure๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒthat the mains cable is๎€ƒnot๎€ƒhung๎€ƒover๎€ƒsharp๎€ƒedges๎€ƒand๎€ƒkeep
objects๎€ƒand๎€ƒopen๎€ƒ ๎€ƒflames.
โ€ข Do๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒnot use the appliance if the mains cable or plug show signs of dama
has๎€ƒfallen๎€ƒon or๎€ƒthe๎€ƒfloor๎€ƒ ๎€ƒhas๎€ƒ ๎€ƒother parts๎€ƒbeen ta๎€ƒdamage.๎€ƒIn๎€ƒsuch๎€ƒcases๎€ƒ
a is๎€ƒspecialist๎€ƒfor๎€ƒchecking๎€ƒand๎€ƒrepair๎€ƒ ๎€ƒnecessary.๎€ƒ
โ€ข Children๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒare unable to recognize the hazards associated with inco
electrical Therefore,๎€ƒappliances.๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ children๎€ƒshould๎€ƒnever๎€ƒuse๎€ƒelectric๎€ƒho
โ€ข Close๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒsupervision is necessary for any appliance being used by or near ch
โ€ข Never๎€ƒleave๎€ƒthe๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒappliance unattended during use.
โ€ข It๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒis necessary to keep this appliance clean because it is in direct contact

Specyfikacje produktu

Marka: Waves
Kategoria: maszyna do ciฤ™cia
Model: SM-1062221

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Instrukcje maszyna do ciฤ™cia Waves


Waves SM-1062221 Instrukcja

12 Wrzeล›nia 2024

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