Instrukcja obsługi Pioneer DEH-P4300RB

Przeczytaj poniżej 📖 instrukcję obsługi w języku polskim dla Pioneer DEH-P4300RB (6 stron) w kategorii radio samochodowe. Ta instrukcja była pomocna dla 10 osób i została oceniona przez 2 użytkowników na średnio 4.5 gwiazdek

Strona 1/6
Antes de finalmente instalar la unidad, conecte el
cableado temporalmente y asegúrese de que todo
esté conectado correctamente y que la unidad y
el sistema funcionan debidamente.
Utilice sólo las piezas que se incluyen con esta
unidad para asegurar la instalación adecuada. El
uso de piezas no autorizadas podría causar fallos
de funcionamiento.
Consulte con su distribuidor si la instalación
requiere del taladro de orificios u otras modifica-
ciones del vehículo.
Instale la unidad donde no alcance el espacio del
conductor, y donde no pueda dañar a los
pasajeros si sucediera un paro repentino, como
una detención de emergencia.
El semiconductor láser se dañará si se sobre-
calienta, por eso no instale la unidad en un lugar
caliente – por ejemplo, cerca de la salida de un
Si el ángulo de la instalación excede los 6del
lado horizontal, la unidad podría no brindar su
óptimo funcionamiento. (Fig. 1)
Instalación con tope de goma
(Fig. 2)
1. Tablero de instrumentos
2. Soporte
Después de insertar el soporte en la tabla de
mandos, luego seleccione las orejetas apropiadas
según el grosor del material de la tabla de man-
dos y dóblelos.
(Instale lo más firme posible usando las lengüe-
tas superior e inferior. Para fijar, doble las
lengüetas 90 grados.)
3. Tope de goma
4. Tornillo
Quitado de la unidad (Fig. 3) (Fig. 4)
5. Marco
Tire hacia afuera para extraer el marco. (Para la
fijación del marco, apunte el lado con ranura
hacia abajo.)
6. Inserte las herramientas de extracción suminis-
tradas en la unidad, como se indica en la figura,
hasta que se enganchen en su positión.
Tire de la unidad mientras mantiene las her-
ramientas presionadas contra los lados de la
Instalación <ESPAÑOL>
Before finally installing the unit, connect the
wiring temporarily, making sure it is all connect-
ed up properly, and the unit and the system work
Use only the parts included with the unit to
ensure proper installation. The use of unautho-
rized parts can cause malfunctions.
Consult with your nearest dealer if installation
requires the drilling of holes or other modifica-
tions of the vehicle.
Install the unit where it does not get in the dri-
ver’s way and cannot injure the passenger if there
is a sudden stop, like an emergency stop.
The semiconductor laser will be damaged if it
overheats, so don’t install the unit anywhere hot
— for instance, near a heater outlet.
If installation angle exceeds 60° from horizontal,
the unit might not give its optimum performance.
(Fig. 1)
Installation with the rubber bush
(Fig. 2)
1. Dashboard
2. Holder
After inserting the holder into the dashboard,
then select the appropriate tabs according to the
thickness of the dashboard material and bend
(Install as firmly as possible using the top and
bottom tabs. To secure, bend the tabs 90
3. Rubber bush
4. Screw
Removing the Unit (Fig. 3) (Fig. 4)
5. Frame
Pull out to remove the frame. (When reattaching
the frame, point the side with a groove down-
wards and attach it.)
6. Insert the supplied extraction keys into the unit,
as shown in the figure, until they click into place.
Keeping the keys pressed against the sides of the
unit, pull the unit out.
Installation <ENGLISH>
Fig. 1
Abb. 1
Afb. 1
Fig. 3
Abb. 3
Afb. 3
Fig. 2
Abb. 2
Afb. 2
Printed in
<CRD3308-A/JS> EW
This product conforms to new cord colors.
Los colores de los cables de este producto se confor-
man con un nuevo código de colores.
Dieses Produkt entspricht den neuen kabelfarben.
Le code de couleur des câbles utilisé pour ce produit est
Questo prodotto è conforme ai nuovi codici colori.
De kleuren van de snoeren van dit toestel zijn gewijzigd.
Fig. 4
Abb. 4
Afb. 4
Voor u het apparaat definitief installeert, is het
raadzaam eerst alle aansluitingen tijdelijk te
maken om te kontroleren of alles naar behoren
funktioneert, zodat u later niet voor verrassingen
komt te staan.
Gebruik voor het installeren uitsluitend de bij het
apparaat geleverde onderdelen. Toepassing van
andere dan de goedgekeurde onderdelen kan lei-
den tot storing in de werking van het apparaat.
Raadpleeg uw dichtstbijzijnde dealer als het voor
het installeren van het apparaat nodig blijkt gaten
te boren, of andere wijzigingen aan te brengen
aan de auto.
Installeer het apparaat op een plaats waar het de
bestuurder niet in de weg kan zitten en waar het
ook bij een noodstop e.d. geen gevaar voor de
inzittenden kan opleveren.
De halfgeleider-laser in het apparaat is gevoelig
voor beschadiging door oververhitting, dus
installeer het apparaat niet te dicht in de buurt
van de autoverwarming of de warme luchtsroom
Als u het apparaat onder een al te steile hoek
installeert, d.w.z. meer dan 6uit het horizon-
tale vlak, zal het niet naar behoren kunnen
werken. (Afb. 1)
Installatie met de rubber mof
(Afb. 2)
1. Dashboard
2. Houder
Nadat u de houder in het dashboard hebt
geplaatst, kiest u de juiste lipjes voor de dikte
van het dashboard-materiaal en buigt u deze om.
(Plaats zo stevig als mogelijk met gebruik van de
boven- en onderlipjes. Buig de lipjes 90 graden
om te vergrendelen.)
3. Rubber mof
4. Schroef
Verwijderen van het apparaat
(Afb. 3) (Afb. 4)
5. Frame
Trek naar buiten om het frame te verwijderen.
(Om het frame weer aan te brengen, plaatst u de
kant met de groef omlaag en bevestigt u het
6. Steek de bijgeleverde verwijdersleutels in het
apparaat, zoals in de afbeelding aangegeven, tot
ze op hun plaats vastklikken. Houd de sleutels
tegen de zijkanten van het apparaat aangedrukt
en trek het apparaat naar buiten.
Installeren <NEDERLANDS>
Prima di installare definitivamente l’apparecchio,
collegare i fili temporaneamente e accertarsi che
tutti i collegamenti siano corretti e che l’apparec-
chio e il sistema funzionino correttamente.
Per un’installazione appropriata, usare soltanto i
pezzi in dotazione all’apparecchio. L’uso di pezzi
non autorizzati può causare problemi di funzion-
Rivolgersi al più vicino rivenditore se l’instal-
lazione richiede la trapanatura di fori o altre
modifiche del veicolo.
Installare l’apparecchio in un punto in cui esso
non intralci le manovre del conducente e in cui
non possa provocare lesioni ai passeggeri nel
caso dell’arresto improvviso del veicolo, come
nel caso di una frenata d’emergenza.
Il laser a semiconduttore subisce danni se si sur-
riscalda; pertanto, non installare l’apparecchio in
luoghi esposti al calore, come per esempio nei
pressi della bocca di efflusso dell’impianto di
Se l’angolo di installazione supera i 60° rispetto
alla posizione orizzontale, l’apparecchio potrebbe
non fornire prestazioni ottimali. (Fig. 1)
Installazione con la boccola di
gomma (Fig. 2)
1. Cruscotto
2. Supporto
Dopo aver inserito il supporto nel cruscotto,
selezionare le linguette appropriate a seconda
dello spessore del materiale del cruscotto e pie-
(Installare quanto più saldamente possibile ser-
vendosi delle linguette superiore e inferiore. Per
fissare, piegare le linguette a 90 gradi.)
3. Boccola di gomma
4. Vite
Estrazione dell’unità (Fig. 3) (Fig. 4)
5. Cornice
Tirare verso l’esterno per staccare la cornice. (Per
riattaccare la cornice, applicarla puntando il lato
con la scanalatura verso il basso.)
6. Inserire le chiavette di estrazione in dotazione
nell’apparecchio, come mostrato nella figura,
finché non scattano in posizione. Tenendo le chi-
avette premute contro i lati dell’apparecchio,
estrarre l’apparecchio.
Installazione <ITALIANO>
Avant de finaliser l’installation de l’appareil,
connecter temporairement le câblage en s’assur-
ant que tout est correctement connecté et que
l’appareil et le système fonctionnement correcte-
Pour obtenir une bonne installation, n’utiliser que
les pièces de l’appareil. L’utilisation de pièces
non prévues risque de causer un mauvais fonc-
Consulter le concessionnaire le plus proche si
l’installation nécessite le percement de trous ou
toute autre modification du véhicule.
Installer l’appareil à un endroit il ne gêne pas
le conducteur et où il ne peut pas blesser les pas-
sagers en cas d’arrêt brusque, comme pendant un
arrêt d’urgence.
Le laser semiconducteur sera endommagé en cas
de réchauffement excessif. Dans ce cas ne pas
installer l’appareil dans un endroit présentant une
température élevée, tel que sortie de chauffage.
L’angle de l’installation, ne doit pas dépasser 60°
par rapport à l’horizontale, faute de quoi l’unité ne
fournira pas ses performances optimales. (Fig. 1)
Installation avec une bague en
caoutchouc (Fig. 2)
1. Tableau de bord
2. Support
Après avoir introduit le support dans le tableau
de bord, sélectíonnez les languettes appropriées
en fonction de l’épaisseur du matériau du tableau
de bord et courbez-les.
(Assurez le maintien aussi solidement que possi-
ble en utilisant les languettes inférieures et
supérieures. Cela fait, courbez les languettes de
90 degrés.)
3. Bague en caoutchouc
4. Vis
Dépose de l’únite (Fig. 3) (Fig. 4)
5. Cadre
Tirez pour enlever le cadre. (Pour remettre le
cadre en place, dirigez le côté avec la rainure
vers le bas.)
6. Insérer les clés d’extraction fournis dans l’unité,
comme indiqué dans la figure, jusqu’à ce qu’elles
s’enclenchent en position. En maintenant ces clés
pressées contre les côtés de l’unité, retirer l’unité.
Installation <FRANÇAIS>
Schließen Sie vor dem Einbau die Leitungen
vorübergehend an und stellen Sie sicher, das alles
richtig angeschlossen ist und das Gerät und das
System einwandfrei arbeiten.
Um einwandfreien Einbau zu gewährleisten, soll-
ten nur die mit dem Gerät mitgelieferten Teile
verwendet werden. Bei Verwendung von Nicht-
Originalteilen kann es zu Funktionsstörungen
Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Fachhänlder, wenn
zum Einbau des Geräts Löcher gebohrt oder
andere Veränderungen an Ihrem Auto vorgenom-
men werden müssen.
Bauen Sie das Gerät an einer Stelle ein, wo es
den Fahrer nicht behindert und den Beifahrer bei
plötzlichem Bremsen nicht verletzen an.
Der Halbleiterlaser wird bei Überhitzung
beschädigt, bauen Sie das Gerät daher nicht an
einer Stelle ein, wo es heiß wird, z.B. nahe einer
Wenn der Einbauwinkel mehr als 60º von der
Horizontalen abweicht, kann es sein, daß das
Gerät nicht optimal arbeitet. (Abb. 1)
Einbau mit der Gummibuchse
(Abb. 2)
1. Armaturenbrett
2. Halter
Den Halter in das Armaturenbrett einsetzen, dann
die der Dicke des Armaturenbretts entsprechen-
den Zungen auswählen und diese biegen.
(Mit Hilfe der Ansätze, oben und unten, so fest
wie möglich einsetzen. Zur Sicherung werden die
Ansätze 90 Grad gebogen.)
3. Gummibuchse
4. Schraube
Entnahme des Gerätes
(Abb. 3) (Abb. 4)
5. Rahmen
Herausziehen, um den Rahmen abzunehmen.
(Beim Wiederanbringen des Rahmens muß die
Seite mit der Nut nach unten weisen.)
6. Die mitgelieferten Ausziehschlüssel wie in der
Abbildung gezeigt bis zur Einrastposition in das
Gerät einsetzen. Die Schlüssel gegen die Seiten
des Geräts drücken und das Gerät herausziehen.
Einbau <DEUTSCH>
Connecting the Units
Fig. 5
Abb. 5
Afb. 5
12. Cap (1*)
When not using this terminal,
do not remove the cap.
19. ISO connector
In some vehicles, the ISO connector may be
divided into two. In this case, be sure to
connect to both connectors.
25. System remote control
14. Yellow (2*)
To terminal always supplied
with power regardless of
ignition switch position.
16. Red (4*)
To electric terminal controlled
by ignition switch (12 V DC)
13. Yellow (3*)
(or accessory)
15. Red (5*)
(or back-up)
18. Black (ground)
To vehicle (metal) body.
17. Orange/white
To lighting switch terminal.
11. Connect leads of the same
color to each other.
24. Blue/white
To system control terminal of
the power amp (max. 300 mA
12 V DC).
8. Multi-CD player
(sold separately)
6. IP-BUS cable
26. Blue/white (7*)
To Auto-antenna relay control terminal
(max. 300 mA 12 V DC).
Depending on the kind of vehicle, the function
of 3* and 5* may be different. In this case, be
sure to connect 2* to 5* and 4* to 3*.
3. This Product
7. IP-BUS input (Blue)
5. Antenna jack
20. Yellow/black
If you use a cellular telephone, connect it via the
Audio Mute lead on the cellular telephone. If not,
keep the Audio Mute lead free of any connections.
4. Rear or Subwoofer output 9. Fuse
32. Rear Speaker
or Subwoofer
32. Rear Speaker
or Subwoofer
29. Front Speaker 29. Front Speaker
33. Perform these connections when using
a different amp (sold separately).
21. Speaker leads
: Front left +
: Front left ≠฀
: Front right +
: Front right ≠฀
: Rear left or Subwoofer + +
: Rear left or Subwoofer ≠฀ ≠฀
: Rear right or Subwoofer + +
: Rear right or Subwoofer ≠฀ ≠฀
23. Power amp
(sold separately)
22. Connecting cords with RCA pin plugs
(sold separately)
23. Power amp
(sold separately)
2. Front output
1. TEL terminal
Refer to Handsfree Telephone
units manual (sold separately).
30. 31. Left Right
15 cm
15 cm
27. Blue/white (6*)
28. The pin position of the ISO connector will differ
depends on the type of vehicle. Connect 6* and 7*
when Pin 5 is an antenna control type. In another
type of vehicle, never connect 6* and 7*.
When a subwoofer is connected to this unit
instead of a rear speaker, change the rear
output setting in the Initial Setting. (Refer to
the Operation Manual.)
The subwoofer output of this unit is
Cords for this product and those for other prod-
ucts may be different colors even if they have
the same function. When connecting this prod-
uct to another product, refer to the supplied
Installation manuals of both products and con-
nect cords that have the same function.
This unit is for vehicles with a 12-volt battery
and negative grounding. Before installing it in a
recreational vehicle, truck, or bus, check the bat-
tery voltage.
To avoid shorts in the electrical system, be sure
to disconnect the battery cable before begin-
ning installation.
Refer to the owner’s manual for details on con-
necting the power amp and other units, then
make connections correctly.
Secure the wiring with cable clamps or adhesive
tape. To protect the wiring, wrap adhesive tape
around them where they lie against metal parts.
Route and secure all wiring so it cannot touch
any moving parts, such as the gear shift, hand-
brake and seat rails. Do not route wiring in
places that get hot, such as near the heater outlet.
If the insulation of the wiring melts or gets torn,
there is a danger of the wiring short-circuiting to
the vehicle body.
Don’t pass the yellow lead through a hole into
the engine compartment to connect to the battery.
This will damage the lead insulation and cause a
very dangerous short.
Do not shorten any leads. If you do, the protec-
tion circuit may fail to work when it should.
Never feed power to other equipment by cutting
the insulation of the power supply lead of the
unit and tapping into the lead. The current capac-
ity of the lead will be exceeded, causing over-
When replacing fuse, be sure to use only fuse of
the rating prescribed on this product.
Since a unique BPTL circuit is employed, never
wire so the speaker leads are directly grounded
or the left and right speaker leads are com-
Speakers connected to this unit must be high-
power types with minimum rating of 50 W and
impedance of 4 to 8 ohms. Connecting speakers
with output and/or impedance values other than
those noted here may result in the speakers
catching fire, emitting smoke or becoming dam-
When this product’s source is switched ON, a
control signal is output through the blue/white
lead. Connect to an external power amp’s system
remote control or the car’s Auto-antenna relay
control terminal (max. 300 mA 12 V DC). If the
car features a glass antenna, connect to the anten-
na booster power supply terminal.
When an external power amp is being used with
this system, be sure not to connect the blue/white
lead to the amp’s power terminal. Likewise, do
not connect the blue/white lead to the power ter-
minal of the auto-antenna. Such connection could
cause excessive current drain and malfunction.
To avoid short-circuiting, cover the disconnected
lead with insulating tape. Especially, insulate the
unused speaker leads without fail. There is a pos-
sibility of short-circuiting if the leads are not
To prevent incorrect connection, the input side of
the IP-BUS connector is blue, and the output side
is black. Connect the connectors of the same col-
ors correctly.
If this unit is installed in a vehicle that does not
have an ACC (accessory) position on the ignition
switch, the red lead of the unit should be con-
nected to a terminal coupled with ignition switch
ON/OFF operations. If this is not done, the vehi-
cle battery may be drained when you are away
from the vehicle for several hours.
The black lead is ground. Please ground this lead
separately from the ground of high-current prod-
ucts such as power amps.
If you ground the products together and the
ground becomes detached, there is a risk of dam-
age to the products or fire.
Connecting the Units <ENGLISH>
Connection Diagram (Fig. 5)
1. TEL terminal
Refer to a Handsfree Telephone unit’s manual
(sold separately).
2. Front output
3. This product
4. Rear or Subwoofer output
5. Antenna jack
6. IP-BUS cable
7. IP-BUS input (Blue)
8. Multi-CD player (sold separately)
9. Fuse
10. Note:
Depending on the kind of vehicle, the function of
3* and 5* may be different. In this case, be sure
to connect 2* to 5* and 4* to 3*.
11. Connect leads of the same color to each other.
12. Cap (1*)
When not using this terminal, do not remove the
13. Yellow (3*)
Back-up (or accessory)
14. Yellow (2*)
To terminal always supplied with power regard-
less of ignition switch position.
15. Red (5*)
Accessory (or back-up)
16. Red (4*)
To electric terminal controlled by ignition switch
(12 V DC) ON/OFF.
17. Orange/white
To lighting switch terminal.
18. Black (ground)
To vehicle (metal) body.
19. ISO connector
In some vehicles, the ISO connector may be
divided into two. In this case, be sure to connect
to both connectors.
20. Yellow/black
If you use a cellular telephone, connect it via the
Audio Mute lead on the cellular telephone. If not,
keep the Audio Mute lead free of any connec-
21. Speaker leads
White : Front left +
White/black : Front left
Gray : Front right +
Gray/black : Front right
Green : Rear left + or Subwoofer +
Green/black : Rear left or Subwoofer
Violet : Rear right + or Subwoofer +
Violet/black : Rear right or Subwoofer
22. Connecting cords with RCA pin plugs (sold
23. Power amp (sold separately)
24. Blue/white
To system control terminal of the power amp
(max. 300 mA 12 V DC).
25. System remote control
26. Blue/white (7*)
To Auto-antenna relay control terminal
(max. 300 mA 12 V DC).
27. Blue/white (6*)
28.The pin position of the ISO connector will differ
depends on the type of vehicle. Connect 6* and
7* when Pin 5 is an antenna control type. In
another type of vehicle, never connect 6* and 7*.
29. Front speaker
30. Left
31. Right
32. Rear Speaker or Subwoofer
33. Perform these connections when using a different
amp (sold separately).
34. Note:
When a subwoofer is connected to this unit
instead of a rear speaker, change the rear output
setting in the Initial Setting. (Refer to the
Operation Manual.)
The subwoofer output of this unit is monaural.
ACC position
No ACC position

Specyfikacje produktu

Marka: Pioneer
Kategoria: radio samochodowe
Model: DEH-P4300RB

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