Instrukcja obsługi Hobbywing XERUN V10 G2
Zabawki sterowane radiem
Przeczytaj poniżej 📖 instrukcję obsługi w języku polskim dla Hobbywing XERUN V10 G2 (1 stron) w kategorii Zabawki sterowane radiem. Ta instrukcja była pomocna dla 11 osób i została oceniona przez 2 użytkowników na średnio 4.5 gwiazdek
Strona 1/1

De i s xtr leve s its i s ce.signed to w th tand e eme ls of u e at h ghe t peak performan
C c cas i x r s v i ete new pl CNC ut motor e w th e tra f ont poke ent atil on otsl
W s s s sor i s s le i s s c l ched.ork a
en ed un t and a o ls en or ss w thout the en or ab e atta
Multipl s s c al imi jus l r r r .e tep of me hanic t ng ad tab e f om 20 deg ee to 50 deg ee
ni l i c r ir i re chini c l y ures Mi ma ma ntenan e is equ ed w th p cise ma ng te hno og
wh h eic
ns a
m mum to eran e end p of the otor haft. E nat ng the opper ed n mo t ofini l c lay r s limi i c shim uss i s
today’s s motor .
200℃ hi r l c i ity c i i s m ndu gh temperatu e to eran e and h gh pur opper w nd ng
xi ize co ctivity
and abreli ility.
200℃ hi r l c r NdF N ymi H-Lgh temperatu e to eran e ntesi ed eb ( eod um, 35E T) magne .ts
Extr l re c lti-layer l C i M N i s.eme ow sistan e mu ed out et P B and h gh RP SK bear ng
C i MR les c if eom ant wpli th R R, R, BR and JOA IFMA CA CA ru , ert icat
d b Ro S, E, ety H C FCC
3 108 0020
3 508 0020
3 608 0020
3 708 0020
3 808 0020
3 908 0020
3 208 0020
3 208 0120
XER V10-R or-UN- ot Φ5-12.5F
XE -V10-R or-RUN ot Φ5-12.5
XE -V10-R or-RUN ot Φ7-12.5
XE -V10-R or-RUN ot Φ5-13.0
XE -V10-R or-RUN ot Φ5-13.5
XE -V10-R or-RUN ot Φ5-12.3
XER V10/Ban t-R or-UN- di ot Φ5-12.1
Sp Pa ipare rt Descr
tion Sp onecificati
B r gall bea in 5 BEAR 175 R2Z Ba B n 3. 5 . 7mm40 MOTOR ING-3. Z ll eari g, 17 x9. 5x352 96
Th g c fan, g t ole 5 . the mick ma
ne wts,
ith ooling ma ne h , O.D
ag et: 2.5n 1 mm
Th g o co ng gnet l 5, gick ma ne w/ts, oli
f , an
ma ho e O.D. of the mane :12.t 5mm
Th gnets, o co ng n, magnet e 7, gn 1 min ma
w/ oli fa hol O.D. of th mae et: 2.5m
Th g o co ng gneick ma ne w/ts, oli
f , an
t l 5, gho e O.D. of the mane :13.t 0mm
Th g o co ng gnet l 5, gick ma ne w/ts, oli
f , an
ma ho e O.D. of the mane :13.t 5mm
Th g o co ng gnet l 5, gick ma ne w/ts, oli
f , an
ma ho e O.D. of the mane :12.t 3mm
Th g o co ng gnet l 5, gick ma ne w/ts, oli
f , an
ma ho e O.D. of the mane :12.t 1mm
R orot
Install the motor in its mount using M3 scr .ews no longer than 8mm
Ther r r r r r. e a e 3 power wi es coming f om the ESC must be solde ed to the moto
They a e usually color coded as Blue for e A, ellow for e B and Oranger Wir Y Wir
for e C. When connecting the power wi es between the ESC and motoWir r r,
please make su e that you match ESC e A to Motor Phase A, ESC e B tor Wir Wir
Motor Phase B and ESC wi e C to Motor Phase C (This is VE Y important).r R
When using sensor r r ed ESC, make su e the sensor cable is clean and eliable.
Connect the sensor cable to both ESC and motor in the cor ect di ectionr r .
Double check you have all the connections corr r r ect befo e tu ning on the ESC
(See connection diagram as below).
Sen iresor w Blue ower wire p
(mo or se “A”t pha )
Ye ow pow rell er wi
(mo or se “B”t pha )
Oran p wige ower re
(mo or se “C”t pha )
S tchwi
I u Hnp t T
C lhanne
(C )h.2
R ereceiv
Ba y t e )tter Posi iv (Red
Ba y Neg lack)tter ative (B
- + S
V10 G2
To a tim g p o n the 1 o r s o the o the m o d rota Senso o r no the w -co djust e th in , sim ly lo se sh rt sc ew n back f ot r an te he t r M dule Cove , ting hite lo linesr
on ot the mar p n on r the ust pl s 2 o rews.
t mhe or nd a k ( oi ter) t covehe . r Afte adj me , nt ea e thlock e sh rt sc
You an lt tim g to t ha e the power a nd ch a e f ot o st a ff nt performa e. c a er e th in
on e th
mo r o c ng -b nd a ar ct ristics o t mhe or f r be nd e st eth mo icie nc
Neu mi 30 egree n the m o ha 20 degr ng o mu s n o w ma m 0 d r
tral ti ng is d s, a d ot r s ees timi n mini m etti g ully cl(f ck is toe) ximu 5 eg ees
u nti- o e).
(f lly a cl ckwis
ot s s 30 egr tim g ncr ng ng ncr s h RP f h ot h t at h s incr g The m or me co et to d ees in . I easi th timie
ill i ea e t e M o t e m or w ils t e ame e tim easin
p atur o ef ncy. m re r a ear W r n ng a ust ase
tem er es a lnd sing ficie High tier in will g qui e
s terof
g ra o.ti e ec meom
d y st wiou art
th this setti nd adj b d on
r nee rom po t n.
you ds f
t t ha
si io
When etti o r m o a sur o o corr y. l s o o r n ho t do h . s ng uryo m to ti in it is i ta tg mpor nt m ke e y ur SC E is als set ectl P ea e foll w y ur SC E inst uctio s on w o t is
To ch the m o p ure ng t g p dr o 3 la r stop and us infrared r as g ument
eck ot r tem erat s ridu
es in , sim ly ive f r ps t tof he ack, e an
te eramp
tu e me urin
t e ure ot t oo t o r oo ot n o r o o ore gain.
o mak s t mhe or no
t ho . t m If he to is t h
he all t mow he to t co l bef
tryi ing
t a
The “Max. Output Power” is measur o ” a ulat ed with 7.4V input voltage and ESC at ZERO timing. This parameter is neither the “maximum input power” nor the “rating p wer , it is c lc ed
by M x Tor c s c c y s if r sti l v y v y i s i if r c ies i iffere t r “RP que / 9550”. Be au e ea h fa tor run a d fe ent te ng p atform, the abo e data ma ar f the motor teis ted n d fe ent fa tor runn ng d nt tes in pl fog at ms.
Atte tio The utput ower sh t c mpar d th t er ct ec us r ciency is always less tha 1 , t e al e ofn n: “O P ” value ouldn’ be o e wi the n “I pu Pow ” u reval e di ly b a e he t moto effi n 00% h v u
“O al an he In we . utp t Pow r” is al ays smu e w ler th t “ put Po r”
The “Curr r r b g t n ent at Peak Output Power” is a guide used for selecting the suitable power system (ESC, Moto , Gear ratio, etc.) If the actual input cur ent of the power system is ig er ha
the peak parameter stated in the above table, this means that the power system settings/configuration is over its peak (Or in other wo ds, “overloaded”)r
The “KV” is measur ’ e h oto ed without any load on the motor and ESC at ZERO timing. Please don t run the motor without load for long periods of time (1 minute), oth rwise t e m r may
3.5T 30401100
9550KV 0.002 8.4 600 120
4.5T 7600KV 0.0032 6.6 500 115
5.5T 5800KV 0.0045 6.5 470 110
6.5T 5000KV 0.0062 5.5 430 105
7.5T 4550KV 0.0088 3.8 380 97
8.5T 4050KV 0.0106 3.2 360 90
10.5T 3800KV 0.0163 2.1 260 74
13.5T 3000KV 0.0265 1.8 220 59
17.5T 2300KV 0.0457 1.3 150 41
21.5T 1900KV 0.072 1.1 120 32
M elod
Wi o adth ut Lo
(R /V)PM
Resist nca e
( )Ω
C e urr nt
O p Powerut ut
Cu trren
O P rutput owe
Dia. & gtLen h
Dia. of
Exter lna
Ro rto Appl cat oni i
1/10 on-road Modified;1/10 4WD off-road Modified
1/10 4WD off-road Modified
1/10 Drift; 1/10 on-road Stock
1/10 on-road Stock;1/10 rock crawler
1/10, 1/12 on-road Modified
1/10 on-road Stock
1/10 Drift; 1/10 2WD off-road Modified
We tigh
3.5T 4.5T 5.5T 6.5T 7.5T 8.5T 1 T 1 T 1 T 2 T0.5 3.5 7.5 1.5
11.0:1 9.5:1 8.5:1 8.0:1 7.6:1 7.0:1 5.5:1 4.7:1 4.0:1 3.5:1
10.5:1 8.5:1 7.5:1 7.0:1 6.6:1 6.3:1 5.0:1 4.0:1 3.5:1 3.0:1
25mm 29mm 32mm 35mm 36mm 38mm 42mm 51mm 66mm 66mm
11.1:1 10.3:1 9.4:1 8.5:1 8.0:1 7.0:1 6.0:1 5.5:1
12.0:1 10.8:1 9.8:1 8.9:1 8.0:1 7.0:1 6.0:1 5.5:1
13.5:1 12.6:1 11.5:1 10.4:1 9.0:1 8.0:1 7.0:1 6.5:1
1/ o )10 n-road (Sma trackll
1/ o )10 n-road (Big track
1/ o d12 n-roa
2W ff- dD o roa
4W ff- dD o roa
Cl sas
Not Available
7.4V LiPo
7.4V LiPo
3.7V LiPo
7.4V LiPo
7.4V LiPo
7.4V LiPo
B v y r dea f t ra os r ot s. e be are th are os f with ZE tim g ase w h k w h ther i elow is
er ou igh o star ing gear ti fo t mhe or Pl ase aw
t t ha
ese guid ratie or
RO in . Ple al ays c ec it o drivers us ng th
same to co io track star inESC/Mo r mbinat n at your for a good t g poin . I yo have ea t ar atio is mos itt f u no id abou what ge r t su able r r r, b n t oft n fo you ca please egi wi h “s er” gearing and the
ad n d.just as eede
Thanks for pu chasing Hobbywing Xerun V10 Senso ed Comp titi to . Hir r e on Mo r gh
power motor can be very dange ous, so please ead th ough t is al c llr r r h
nu arefu y.
Given that we have no cont ol over the cor ect use, install ti n, a plicatir r a o p on or ,
maintenance of our p oducts, no liability shall be assumed n r accep or nyr o ted f a
damages, losses or costs esulting f om the use of the p uct.r r rod
Any claims arising f om the operating, failu e or malfuncti ni g tc. ill ber r o n e w
denied. e assume no liability for personal injury and/or co se ial d agesW n quent am
r r r ega d the esulting f om our p oduct or our workmanship. As far as is l lly pe itterm ,
obligation to compensation is limited to the invoice amount of th f d e a fecte
pr .oduct
The R V Mot as h parts s w Pl se ecXE UN 10 G2 or h t e a
elo ( ea als cho k icp tur 5 o reference).e f r
1) g ( 67m B ll ina bear x 1 13.1 9 5x375x .52 .9
m) 2 R r x ) oto
)F t casin x
3 ron g 1
4) tt m e / S ) 5) ew 3 6
M tal e
Bo o Cas (w enso Mo uler d x 1
Lo scng
r s x (M2 0 5 ) .5 x4 mm
) Co o o m u 1 ver f sens r od le x
7) .0 m) w 2 m, 00mSh rt sc 1 0x6o rews (M2.5 m
) sor8 Sen ires x (80m 2 m)
A r r ntro (ES nd he void incor ect connections between the elect onic speed co ller C) a t
moto . r
All wir r po b d ge es and connections should be well insulated. Short-ci cuits can ssi ly ama
the p oducts.r
Never allow this pr r o o a h oduct or other elect onic components to c me in c nt ct it w
wate , oil, fuel or other elect o-conductive liquids. If this happ ns, stop e ser r e th u of
your p oduct immediately and let it dry ca efullr r y.
A r r e f re void overloading the motor due to w ong or too agg essive g ar ratios. Di fe nt
ESCs have di fe ent inte nal timings, follow the ESC instructionsf r r .
Never apply full thr e re h ottle if the pinion is not installed. Due to th ext mely ig RPMsh
without load, the motor can get damaged.
Always wir r y o e onn t ns e up all the parts of the equipment ca efull . If any f th c ec io
come loose as a esult of vibration, your model RC may lose c ntr o rol.
A hen re g he void soldering longer than 5 seconds at each soldering joint w placin t
power wi es to p event possible damage to the p oduct due to overr r r he ing o the at f
components. Use a high power soldering station with at least o old ng.60W f r s eri
Never allow the motor case to get over 100 degr 2 degre areheit) ees Celsius (21 es F
because the magnets maybe demagnetized by high temperature.
The R V Mot rong on b d ble o in n e. XE UN 10 G2 or is very st i cons uctin tr ut ea to also sy isassem f r ma te anc
W re mmend p d a ecki o the a n to o . e co erio ic l ch ng f bea ngri s
nd clto
ea th moe r f rtdi
Please f llo th ps i b ss le t e m to . dis ss bli ot he se ue e rso w e tes n elow o t a emb h o r W n he a em ng the m or, t q nces r a reve ed.
Rotor x1
Front casing x1
Bottom casing x1
Long screws x3
M2.50 x 45mm
Sensor module
cover x1
Short screws x1
M2.50 x 6.0mm
4. Install the cover of sensor module
5. Tighten the screws to lock the cover of
sensor module 6. Motor assembled
1. Install the rotor 3. Install the long srews
2. Install the bottom casing
*The bulge on the sensor module should
aim at the notch on the bottom casing.
1 2 3
4 5 6
Specyfikacje produktu
Marka: | Hobbywing |
Kategoria: | Zabawki sterowane radiem |
Model: | XERUN V10 G2 |
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Instrukcje Zabawki sterowane radiem Hobbywing

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