Instrukcja obsล‚ugi Extech LT45

Przeczytaj poniลผej ๐Ÿ“– instrukcjฤ™ obsล‚ugi w jฤ™zyku polskim dla Extech LT45 (9 stron) w kategorii ล›wiatล‚omierz. Ta instrukcja byล‚a pomocna dla 17 osรณb i zostaล‚a oceniona przez 2 uลผytkownikรณw na ล›rednio 4.5 gwiazdek

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Model LT45๎˜ƒ๎˜ƒ
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Congratulations๎˜ƒon of๎˜ƒyour๎˜ƒpurchase๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒthe๎˜ƒExtech๎˜ƒLT45๎˜ƒLED๎˜ƒLight๎˜ƒMeter๎˜ƒthat๎˜ƒmeasures๎˜ƒlight๎˜ƒfrom๎˜ƒLED๎˜ƒ
lamps๎˜ƒin๎˜ƒaddition๎˜ƒto๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒfluorescent, metal๎˜ƒhalide,๎˜ƒhigh sources.โ€ ๎˜ƒpressure sodium๎˜ƒand๎˜ƒincandescent๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ
The๎˜ƒLT45 red,๎˜ƒis๎˜ƒcapable๎˜ƒof of๎˜ƒmeasuring๎˜ƒthe๎˜ƒillumination๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ white,๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ yellow,๎˜ƒgreen,๎˜ƒblue,๎˜ƒand๎˜ƒpurple๎˜ƒ
The programmed๎˜ƒLT45๎˜ƒcan๎˜ƒalso๎˜ƒcalculate light๎˜ƒluminous๎˜ƒintensity๎˜ƒ(CD)๎˜ƒusing๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒa distanceโ€toโ€theโ€ ๎˜ƒvalue๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ
The store for๎˜ƒLT45๎˜ƒcan๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ up๎˜ƒto๎˜ƒ99๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒreadings ๎˜ƒlater๎˜ƒrecall๎˜ƒand๎˜ƒincludes๎˜ƒOverload๎˜ƒindication,๎˜ƒBattery๎˜ƒ๎˜ƒ
status๎˜ƒicon,๎˜ƒData๎˜ƒhold, tracking,๎˜ƒMaximum/Average/Minimum๎˜ƒ(MAX/MIN)๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ pushโ€button๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒZero
This calibrated๎˜ƒinstrument๎˜ƒis๎˜ƒshipped tested๎˜ƒfully๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ and๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ and,๎˜ƒwith๎˜ƒproper๎˜ƒuse,๎˜ƒwill๎˜ƒprovide๎˜ƒyears๎˜ƒof๎˜ƒ
reliable๎˜ƒservice. for๎˜ƒPlease๎˜ƒvisit๎˜ƒour๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒwebsite (๎˜ƒto๎˜ƒcheck๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ the๎˜ƒlatest๎˜ƒversion๎˜ƒof๎˜ƒthis๎˜ƒ
User๎˜ƒGuide,๎˜ƒProduct๎˜ƒUpdates, Customer๎˜ƒand๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒSupport.๎˜ƒ
๏‚ท Overload๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ โ€ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒIndication: LCD screen will show โ€œOLโ€ at the upper left hand corner
๏‚ท Battery๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒstrength status indication๎˜ƒ๎˜ƒ
๏‚ท Display๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒUpdate Rate: 2.5 times per second
๏‚ท Spectral๎˜ƒresponse๎˜ƒnear๎˜ƒCIE๎˜ƒluminous๎˜ƒspectral๎˜ƒefficiency๎˜ƒratings๎˜ƒ
๏‚ท Cosine๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒAngle corrected
๏‚ท Conforms๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒto JIS C 1609:1993 and CNS 5119 general class A Specifications
๏‚ท Measures๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒthe intensity of illumination of white, red, yellow, green, blue, and purple LED
light light๎˜ƒand๎˜ƒall๎˜ƒvisible๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒin๎˜ƒLux๎˜ƒor๎˜ƒfootโ€candles๎˜ƒ
๏‚ท Calculates๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒLuminous Intensity (CD)
๏‚ท Data๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒhold freezes displayed reading
๏‚ท Maximum/Average/Minimum๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒMemory Hold
๏‚ท Zero๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒadjustment
๏‚ท Auto๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒpower off with disable๎˜ƒfunction๎˜ƒ
๏‚ท Automatic๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒrange adjust optimizes accuracy and resolution
๏‚ท Manually๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒstore/recall up to 99 readings
๏‚ท Complete๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒwith light sensor, protective sensor cover, and coiled cable expandable to 59โ€
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๏‚ท Do๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒnot operate the meter in environments where the following are present: explosive gases
(or (or๎˜ƒmaterials),๎˜ƒcombustible๎˜ƒgases๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒmaterials),๎˜ƒsteam,๎˜ƒor๎˜ƒdust.๎˜ƒ๎˜ƒ
๏‚ท Please๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒreplace the battery immediately when๎˜ƒthe battery symbol ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒappears on the LCD.
๏‚ท Do๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒnot touch the meterโ€™s circuit board for any reason as static electricity or contamination
could๎˜ƒdamage๎˜ƒthe๎˜ƒsensitive components.๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ
๏‚ท For๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒIndoor use only. This instrument was designed for pollution degree๎˜ƒ2.๎˜ƒ
๏‚ท Operation๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒAltitude: Up to 2000m (7000โ€™).
1. Display๎˜ƒ(LCD)๎˜ƒ
2. Lux/Fc/CD unit๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒselect๎˜ƒbutton๎˜ƒ
3. 99 MEM/READ (for๎˜ƒbutton๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒreading๎˜ƒmemory)๎˜ƒ
4. Up๎˜ƒarrow๎˜ƒbutton MAX/MIN/AVG button๎˜ƒand๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ
5. Power Power๎˜ƒand๎˜ƒAuto๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒOFF๎˜ƒcontrol button๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ
6. Zero Calibration๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒbutton๎˜ƒ
7. Data๎˜ƒHold๎˜ƒand๎˜ƒLight๎˜ƒsource๎˜ƒselect๎˜ƒbutton๎˜ƒ
8. Down๎˜ƒarrow๎˜ƒbutton๎˜ƒ
9. Coiled๎˜ƒsensor๎˜ƒconnection cable๎˜ƒ๎˜ƒ
10. detector Photo๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒ
Note: battery๎˜ƒThe๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒand๎˜ƒtripod๎˜ƒmount๎˜ƒare๎˜ƒlocated๎˜ƒ
on of๎˜ƒthe๎˜ƒback๎˜ƒ ๎˜ƒthe๎˜ƒmeter๎˜ƒ

Specyfikacje produktu

Marka: Extech
Kategoria: ล›wiatล‚omierz
Model: LT45

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