Instrukcja obsługi Costway EP23782

Przeczytaj poniżej 📖 instrukcję obsługi w języku polskim dla Costway EP23782 (1 stron) w kategorii Sapcentrifuge. Ta instrukcja była pomocna dla 2 osób i została oceniona przez 2 użytkowników na średnio 4.5 gwiazdek

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Big Mouth Juice Extractor
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Instructi Ma alon nu
To t the best t of your new app ce, pl se read this user guide carefully fore using it for the firstge ou lian ea be
time. We also reco end that you keep the instructions for future reference, so that you can remind y rselfmm ou
of the f ctions of your app ance.un li
Normal use of the apparatus
Incorrect e o this app ance may cause personal injury and f li
Use for its intended pur se only. The m f turer is t responsible for anpo anu ac no y injury or damage resulting
from incorrect use or nd ng (see also Guar tee Terms).ha li an
For connection to 120V, 60Hz.
For domestic e only. Not for tdoor or co ercial ou mm
The motor section or cord of the a liance must not s merg in water or any ot r id.pp be ub ed he liqu
Do not erate with wet or mp ha s. Make sure t t no id gets into he motor secti .op da nd ha liqu t on
Never leave unatten d wh in use, a keep an eye ch en nd on il
Remove the plug from the socket fore rem ing the d from the appp ance fore cle i , or wh be ov li li be an ng en
not in use.
NEVER use your ingers, kitchen ut sils or sim ar to push ingredients down t feed t ! Use f en il he ube the
N R stick ingers or ot r obj ts in t spout.EVE f he ec he
N R ch t moving parts of the a ance unt it s come to a complete stop.EVE tou he ppli il ha
The centrifuge bowl must be handled th care, as it c tains extremely sharp rts.wi on pa
Never use if the centrifu bowl is dam ag
Do no let ave he li ce running nonst for more t n 3 minutes at a ime. If he a li ce has en t app an op ha t t pp an be
running or 3 mi tes, a ow i to cool wn for 7 minutes before y use it a in. f nu ll t do ou ga
1.This li ce is t intended or use by persons(incl i ch dren) th r ed ysical s sory or app an no f ud ng il wi educ ph , en
m tal cap ties, or lack of experi ce a knowled , le they h e be given supervision or en abili en nd ge un ss av en
instr tion c cerning use o he liance by a pers responsibluc on f t app on e for t ir safety. he
2.Children should supervised o ensure ha do t play th he a li t t t no wi t pp an
3. If the a ance cord is damag it m t replaced by the vonder.ppli ed, us
Positioning the apparatus
Always pl e he a li ce a he k of t kitch t pp an t t bac he en
Do not place xt to t ar s, for example gas ri s and el tric ho ea ng ec ho
Cord, plug and mains soc tke
Ensure t t the cord is fully exte ed.ha nd
Do not a ow the cord to ng over the ge of a table/counter, all ha ed nd k p it away from hot objects d ee an
na edk flames.
C ck re larly that neit r cord nor plug is maged a do no use if t y are, or i he a li ce has he gu he da nd t he f t pp an
be ed daen dropp or maged in any other way.
If he apparatus or pl is maged i m t be ins cted and if necessary, re ired by an thorised t ug da , t us pe pa au
repair engin r, otherwise there is a risk o electric s ck Never try to repair t li ce y f ho . he app an ou
Avoid ng the cord w n rem ing the plug from the socke Inste , ld pulli he ov t. ad ho t plug. he
C ck ha i is not sible to or trip over the cord or any extension cord.he t t t pos pull
1. Tam r pe
2. Frui pulp ldert ho
3. Motor section
4. ki mechanismLoc ng
5. S tpou
6. Base
7. C trifu bowlen ge
8. Power cord with plug
9. Fu lnne
10. Lid
11. On/O buttonff
Before ing for the first time, or after prolonged storage without use wash y parts that w come into us , an ill
cont t with
A mbly before use:sse
Pl e t motor section (3) a la surface, e.g. a kitchen c nter, and makac he on f t ou e sure it is sta ing firmly on nd
t four s kers un rneath.he uc de
Place t base(6) on he motor secti so hat the sp t (5) its in the slo on he side o he motor secti .he t on t ou f t t f t on
Push t frui pulp lder (2) under t drain edge on t se so t i locks he f t of the motor he t ho up he he ba hat t on t oo
uni ightly.t t
Carefully lock he centrifuge bowl (7) onto the b e. t as
o Be careful not to t ch the sharp parts in the bottom of the centrifuge bowl. ou
o Make sure that the centrifuge wl sits properly on its b e, so tha t gear on he bottom of the wl bo as t he t bo
en es he he bagag t gear in t se.
o Make sure that the centrifuge wl doesn't sit too loosely on the se and that it rotates ba
Place t lid (10) on t app a e so t t it covers both the ruit lp holder a t centrifuge wl uni he he li nc ha f pu nd he bo t.
Make sure ha t lid its ightly to the b e. t t he f t on as
Turn t l k mech ism (4) to the vertical p ition and make sure t t i en the d dhe oc an os ha t gages li an locks i f t. t as
T lock m h ism mak a clicki sou when his is ne corr tly.he ec an es ng nd t do ec
Pl e a gla , bowl or other suitable contai r under t ss ne he
The apparatus now r dy for use.ea
Preparing fruits and vegetabl for juicinges
Always wash fruits and ve t les t r ly before ab ho oug
It is not cessary to remove s ds, pits or thin p ls fore using he a ee ee be t pp
Fruits with thick ls such as oranges d lemons must be peeled before juici . ispee an ng It particularly
im rt t to remove all he peel (incl i t pith), en sma amounts of l can impart po an t ud ng he as ev ll pee an
unp ea anl s t aste to the juice. t
It is also ce ary to remove large pits (such as plum a apricot pits) to avoid dam ing t app ss nd ag he li
Lar fruits and ve t l s ld cu into pieces t t can i into he f nel (9). ge ge ab es hou be t ha f t t un
Start the a a e by turning the =on/ f button to sition "1" (low speed) or iti "2" (hi sp d). ppli nc Of po pos on gh ee
o T low sp d sethe ee ting is suitable for juici so fruits d ve t l .ng ft an ge ab es
o The high speed se ing is suit le for ju ing harder fruits a ab ic nd
Fe t selected fruits and/or veget les into t app a e throu the un l a le at a ime, shing ed he ab he li nc gh f ne litt t pu
t m wn usi the amper (1). he do ng t
o Make sure that you turn the tamper so t t the groove in the tamper fits into the funnel pro rly.ha pe
o ng v etables such as carrots should be fed into the unnel pointy e irst.Lo eg f nd f
o Pre the ruits ss f and/or veget les gently with the unnel. Too m h presser re ces the amount of juice ab f uc du
extract and can damage t app ance.ed he li
o Stop the app a e before removing the tamper to add more frui v etables in order to oid to avoidli nc t/ eg av
splas .hes
K an eye on t fruit pulp lder and stop juicing before the holder becomes too u .eep he ho f ll
Always turn off the power by turning the "On/ " tton to "0" sition before taking off the lid.Off bu po
Pl se note: Do t leave the app ance r i for more t n 3 minutes at a time. I t app ance s been ea no li unn ng ha f he li ha
running or 3 mi tes, a ow i to cool wn for 7 minutes before y use it a in. f nu ll t do ou ga
I you ne t fruit pulp lder with a pl tib fore using he f li he ho as ag be t a li ce it wi sier to clean t pp an , ll be ea he
app anli ce.
Use fresh fruits and vegetables – they contain the m t juice.os
Good c i t for juicing inclu pin pple, apples, c umbers, celery, carrots, spinach, melons, and da es de ea uc
tomatoes and most citrus fruits.
T various varieties of apple yield juice with differ t flavors and c sistency. Experim t th differ t he en on en wi en
combinations to ind y r own favorite. f ou
Leafy green vegetables such as c ge d spi ch c juiced Rabba an na an be . o he l v into cylinders of anll t ea es
ap be eed nepropriate size fore f ing them into the fun l.
Fibrous fruits and v etables as we as se with very firm l h such as bana , m g s pa yas eg ll tho f es nas an oe , pa
an es ng as edd avocado are not well-suited o juici t , as the resul is often mt h fruit instead o juice.f
A ty s of juice sh ld be c sum ri t after juicing as fresh juice quickly l ses important trients ll pe ou on ed gh , oo nu
w n expos to the oxy n in he air. Taste can alshe ed ge t o be affect .ed
Pure apple juice turns brown ickly w n exposed to air. To prev t discoloration, serve a le juicequ he en pp
i iately after juicing or add a ttle lem juice.mmed li on
Remember ha fruit pulp c be us in cakes, ve t le lasag mu ins etc. t t an ed ge ab ne, ff ,
Ensure the app a e is clean and dry before stori .li nc ng
T a ance contains sharp parts - k t o the reach of children.he ppli eep ou f
Remove the plug from the wall s ket and a ow the apparatus to c l down foreoc ll oo be cle i .an ng
T best way to cl n he motor s tion is with a slightly mpened cloth and, i necessary, a le he ea t ec da f litt
de he qutergen Do NOT i erse tt. mm motor section in y form of an li id!
The centrifuge bowl, fruit pulp lder, base and all other detachable parts c wash by ha or in ho an be ed up nd
a dishwasher.
Be careful not to t ch the sharp parts in the bottom of the centrifuge bowl.ou
Do not e any kind of strong or r ive cle ing ag t on he a li ce or its acus ab as an en t pp an c sories Never use a es .
scouring spon or sim ar to cl n i as the surface may be damag .ge il ea t, ed
A ow a parts o t app ance to dry completely before re semb ng it a er cl i .ll ll f he li as li ft ean ng
Pl se note that this Ad i product is marked th this sym l: ea ex wi bo
This m ns tha this pr uct must no be dis s o together with ordinary house ld waste, el trical ea t od t po ed f ho as ec
an on pod electr ic waste must be dis sed of separately.
In accorda e with the W E directive, every member state must ensure correct coll tion, recovery,nc EE ec
ha us ho ednd ng and recycling of electrical and electronic waste. Private holi e lds in he EU can take us t
equ en ge ed an beipm t o special recycling stations free of char t . In certain member states, us apparatus c
return to the d ler w re they were u t on the condition you y new pr ucts. Contact your reta er,ed ea he bo gh bu od il
distri tor or the m ici l thorities for further information on what you should do with electrical d bu un pa au an
electronic waste.
The guarantee do not apply:es
if the a ve instructions are not fo owedbo ll
if the a a e has been interfered withppli nc
i he a ance has been mish l subjected to rough treatment, or s su ered any other form off t ppli and ed, ha ff
if f lts have arisen as a result of f lts in your electricity su au pp
D to t constant vel m t of our pr ucts in erms of uncti and d ign, we r erve the ri t to ue he de op en od t f on es es gh
make chan s to the pro ct with t prior du ou

Specyfikacje produktu

Marka: Costway
Kategoria: Sapcentrifuge
Model: EP23782

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