Instrukcja obsล‚ugi UWATEC Galileo Trimix

UWATEC Komputer Duik Galileo Trimix

Przeczytaj poniลผej ๐Ÿ“– instrukcjฤ™ obsล‚ugi w jฤ™zyku polskim dla UWATEC Galileo Trimix (14 stron) w kategorii Komputer Duik. Ta instrukcja byล‚a pomocna dla 3 osรณb i zostaล‚a oceniona przez 2 uลผytkownikรณw na ล›rednio 4.5 gwiazdek

Strona 1/14
Technical Diving
Software for
User Manual
๎€ณ๎€ ๎€ก๎€ซ๎€ค๎€ƒ๎€ฎ๎€ฅ๎€ƒ๎€ข๎€ฎ๎€ญ๎€ณ๎€ค๎€ญ๎€ณ๎€ฒ
๎€๎€๎€ƒ ๎€ฃ๎ˆ๎…๎…๎„๎‘๎„๎๎‚๎„๎’๎€ƒ๎๎„๎“๎–๎„๎„๎๎€ƒ๎“๎‡๎„๎€ƒ๎€ฒ๎“๎€๎๎ƒ๎€๎‘๎ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎€๎‹๎ˆ๎‹๎„๎Ž๎€ƒ๎€ฒ๎€ถ๎€ƒ๎€๎๎ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ณ๎„๎‚๎€ƒ๎€ฒ๎€ถ๎€ƒ๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€‘
1.1 Model Uwatec ZH16-ADT DD ...................................................................2
1.2 Trimix ........................................................................................................2
1.3 10 tanks ...................................................................................................2
1.4 Minimum and Maximum Operating Depth ................................................3
1.5 PDIS for both N2 and He ...........................................................................3
1.6 Oxygen Toxicity Units (OTUs) .....................................................................3
1.7 Ascent speed ............................................................................................3
๎€‘๎€๎€ƒ ๎€ฃ๎ˆ๎•๎ˆ๎๎†๎€ƒ๎–๎ˆ๎“๎‡๎€ƒ๎“๎‡๎„๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎€๎‹๎ˆ๎‹๎„๎Ž๎€ƒ๎€ณ๎„๎‚๎€ƒ๎€ฒ๎€ถ๎€ƒ๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€’
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3.1 Logbook....................................................................................................5
๎€“๎€๎€ƒ ๎€ฒ๎„๎“๎“๎ˆ๎๎†๎’๎€™๎€ƒ๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€•
4.1 Enabling Trimix - See 4.2 ...........................................................................6
4.2 Tank settings .............................................................................................7
4.3 OTU ..........................................................................................................9
4.4 Trimix version info ....................................................................................10
4.5 Additional information on the Tec SW ......................................................10
4.6 Galileo Tec SW limits ...............................................................................11
๎€”๎€๎€ƒ ๎€ฒ๎Œ๎€๎‘๎“๎€ณ๎€ฑ๎€ ๎€ช๎€ƒ๎€‡๎€ฏ๎€ข๎€ƒ๎€จ๎๎“๎„๎‘๎…๎€๎‚๎„๎€ˆ๎€ƒ๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€ ๎€๎€
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! ๎€ถ๎€ ๎€ฑ๎€ญ๎€จ๎€ญ๎€ฆ๎€ƒ๎€ฅ๎€ฎ๎€ฑ๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎€ ๎€ซ๎€จ๎€ซ๎€ค๎€ฎ๎€ƒ๎€ณ๎€ฑ๎€จ๎€ฌ๎€จ๎€ท๎€ƒ๎€ฒ๎€ฎ๎€ฅ๎€ณ๎€ถ๎€ ๎€ฑ๎€ค
When breathing compressed air or EAN Nitrox during a dive, the diver accepts a certain level of risk.
When breathing a Trimix gas or other mix gases during a dive, the risk level increases.
We have used all relevant data and the most recent hyperbaric research on Trimix diving to bring the
risk level of our Trimix algorithm to the lowest possible acceptable level. Nevertheless, we can in
no way guarantee that breathing Nitrox, Trimix, mixed gases or compressed air during a dive using
our Trimix algorithm will eliminate or prevent the risk of serious injury or death from decompression
sickness, oxygen toxicity or some other inherent risk.
The Trimix diver using our Trimix algorithm on our dive computers should be aware of the risk level
and be willing to accept that personal risk and bear the full legal responsibility of such risks. If the
diver is not willing to accept those risks, including serious injury or death, then he or she should not
dive with our Trimix software.
Never risk your life on only one source of information. Eventually, every computer has the potential
to fail, so do not depend exclusively upon it and always have a plan for how to handle failures. Use a
second computer or carry backup tables and depth/time instrumentation. If you make riskier dives,
obtain the proper training from a recognized agency to gain the requisite technical skills and experience
needed for this type of diving. Computer technology is never a substitute for knowledge and training.
General info
This user manual describes the settings and differences of the Galileo technical software
version (herein referred to as โ€œTec SWโ€) compared to the main Galileo user manual.
Galileo Tec SW has been developed for experienced divers, whereas the standard original
software included on your Galileo at the time of purchase has all the features that are needed
for safe recreational diving.
๎€ƒ Added๎€ƒ menus,๎€ƒ warnings๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ features๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ Tec๎€ƒ SW๎€ƒ may๎€ƒ add๎€ƒ complexity๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ your๎€ƒ
You should be trained and properly certi๎ชed by a recognized agency in technical diving
before using Tec SW. Decompression diving, diving with high oxygen percentage blends,
multi gas diving and mixed gas diving all require skills and demand know-how that only
speci๎ชc training and education can provide. A dive computer is an electronic instrument that
cannot make decisions for you and can not take all parameters into account while diving.
In technical diving a dive computer is not the primary instrument to follow during the dive.
Before the dive you must make a plan and during the dive follow it. If your plan and the
computer show different schedules, follow the more conservative one.
! ๎€ถ๎€ ๎€ฑ๎€ญ๎€จ๎€ญ๎€ฆ
If you decide to revert to using Galileo standard software after installing Tec SW, you may return to
SW version 1.7 or higher. Downloading an earlier (lower number) versions will use the Galieo memory
differently and your dive computer will not operate correctly and may lock up.
! ๎€ถ๎€ ๎€ฑ๎€ญ๎€จ๎€ญ๎€ฆ
Diving has many inherent risks. Even if you follow the instructions of this manual in a careful
manner, it is still possible that you may be seriously injured or die from decompression sickness,
oxygen toxicity or some other inherent risk of scuba with Nitrox, Trimix, mixed gases, or compressed
air. Unless you are fully aware of these risks and are willing to personally accept and assume
responsibility for those risks, do not use Tec SW.
Both this Trimix model and trimix diving are developed for healthy, physically ๎ชt, advanced
divers. You should have regular medical check-ups with a specialized physician, con๎ชrming
your physical aptitude for diving. This is even more important for technical diving.
Patience is a very important characteristic to maintain when conducting complex dives. It is
necessary to build your personal depth limit and decompression amount based on your real
diving experience and then increase little by little as you gain experience.
Tec SW is not designed for commercial diving. Special procedures such as surface supplied
gas, heated suit, decompressing in a chamber or bell and long, high workload dives may cause
algorithm to calculate incorrectly or even disturb the operation of the Galileo dive computer.
Never dive without a backup instrument. It is imperative to always have backup instruments
for depth, time and tank pressure, as well as a dive table with you while diving.
Plan your dives in advance and cross check your plan with another commercial planner program or
table. Your dive plan should always include reserve gas amounts suf๎ชcient to handle emergencies
and/or delays. Always make bail out tables for the dive.
Technical diving is not for everyone. Decompression diving, especially with Helium mixes, will
always have a higher inherent potential for an accident which could lead to permanent injury
and death. The risk may be higher due to differences in an individualโ€™s physical condition,
environmental conditions, human errors, etc. If you are not willing to take the risk, donโ€™t dive!

Specyfikacje produktu

Kategoria: Komputer Duik
Model: Galileo Trimix

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