Instrukcja obsługi Sunstech DEDALOIII PK

Sunstech Mp3 speler DEDALOIII PK

Przeczytaj poniżej 📖 instrukcję obsługi w języku polskim dla Sunstech DEDALOIII PK (8 stron) w kategorii Mp3 speler. Ta instrukcja była pomocna dla 4 osób i została oceniona przez 2 użytkowników na średnio 4.5 gwiazdek

Strona 1/8
Quick Start Guide
1. DO NOT place objects on top of the
device, as objects may scratch the
2. DO NOT expose the device to dirty
dusty environments.
3. DO NOT place the device on an
or unstable surface.
4. DO NOT insert any foreign objects
into the device.
5. DO NOT expose the device to strong
magnetic or electrical . field
6. DO NOT expose the device to direct
sunlight as it can damage the device. Keep it away from
heat sources.
7. DO NOT store your device in
temperatures higher than 40°C(104°F).
The internal operating temperature for
this device is from 20°C(68°F) to
8. DO NOT use the device in the rain.
9. Please check with your Local
Authority or retailer for proper
disposal of electronic products.
10. The device and adaptor may
product some heat during normal
operation of charging. To prevent
discomfort or injury from heat exposure, DO NOT leave
the device on your lap.
Refer to the rating label on the
device and be sure that the
power adaptor complies with
the rating. Only use accessories specified by the
12. Clean the device with a soft cloth.
If needed, dampen the cloth slightly
before cleaning. Never use abrasives or cleaning
13. Always power to install o ff the device
or remove external devices that do not
support hot-plug.
14. Disconnect the device from an
electrical outlet and power o° bef ore cleaning the
15. DO NOT disassemble the device.
Only a certified service technician
should perform repair.
16. The device has apertures to
disperse heat. DO NOT block the
device ventilation, the device may
become hot and malfunction as a
17. Risk of explosion if battery
replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose
of used batteries according to the
socket-outlet shall be installed near
the equipment and shall be easily
1. Overview
Previous button
USB port
Earphone jack
Play/Pause button
Next button
MODE button
2. Music Play
2.1 Switch the On/Off switch to turn on the player . After entering Main Menu page,
select Music and press MODE button to enter Playing Song mode.
2.2 Press Play/Pause button to start playing the selected song.
2.3 Press MODE long to show the lyric and press MODE again to return it.
2.4 Press Previous / Next buttons to jump to the previous or next song.
2.5 Hold Previous / Next buttons long to move your song forward or rewind it.
2.6 Press Vol buttons then to adjust the volume by pressing Previous/Next button .
2.7 Hold MODE button long to back to the Main Menu.
Press and hold the key Volume to activate and deactivate the Key Lock.
A warning will appear on the display when the volume level is too high.
"Caution !!! Can hearing damage"
Press the VOL+ to increase the volume.
3.1 After entering Main Menu page, press Previous / Next buttons to select Record
and press MODE button to enter Recording Voice mode.
3.2 Press Play/Pause button to start recording.
3.3 Press Play/Pause button to pause or continue recording.
3.4 Hold MODE button long till “Saving” appear on the display to save the recorded
voice when you finish recording.
3.5 Hold MODE button long to back to the Main Menu.
3. Record
4.1 After entering Main Menu page, press Previous / Next buttons to select
Press Vol buttons then to adjust the volume by pressing Previous/Next button
Hold MODE button long to back to the Main Menu.
Voice and press MODE button to enter Playing Recorded Voice mode.
4.2 Press Previous / Next buttons to select your desired voice.
4.3 Press Play/Pause button to start playing the selected voice file.
4.4 Press Previous / Next buttons to jump to the previous or next recorded voice.
4.5 Hold Previous / Next buttons long to move your voice forward or rewind it.
4. Recording Play Back(Voice)
5.1 After entering the main menu page, press Previous/Next button to select the
Radio menu and press Mode to enter the FM function
5.2 You can press Previous/Next button to change the frequency by 0.1MHZ.
5.3 Hold Previous/Next long to start the FM auto search function. It will stop when
an FM channel is detected.When you press PLAY key , your MP3 player will
advance through preset, but if you press the next key , your player will advance
till the next DIAL preset,either previosly preset or not.
5. Radio FM
5.4 Press MODE button to enter FM setting menu, AUT O SEARCH can be selected.
After auto search finish, press PL Y button to choose preset frequencies.A
6. E-book
6.1 After entering Main Menu page, press Previous/Next buttons to select E-book,
and press MODE button to enter E-book menu page.
6.2 Press Previous/Next button to select a Text mode and press Mode button to confirm.
6.3 Replay mode setting:
6.3.1 When reading a Text file, press Mode button to enter the submenu, press the
Previous/Next button to select the Replay mode, press mode button to confirm,
and Press Previous/Next button to select the Manual Replay or Auto Reply.
6.4 Hold Mode button for 3 seconds to back to the main menu.
7. System Set
7.1 After entering Main Menu page, press Previous / Next but tons to select Setup.
And press MODE button to enter System Set Function menu page.
7.2 Clock
7.2.1 After entering System Set Function menu page, Select Clock and press
MODE button to enter the Clock Setting Screen.
7.2.2 Press Vol button to move among
Year : Month : Day : Hour : Minute : Second.
And press Previous / Next buttons to adjust their values.
Press MODE button to confirm after finish setting clock.
7.3 Language Selection
7.3.1 After entering System Set Function menu page, press Next then MODE to
enter the language options list. Press Previous / Next buttons to select
your preferred language and press MODE button to confirm.
7.4 Power Off Set
7.4.1 After entering System Set Function menu page, press Previous / Next
buttons to select Power of f. Press MODE button to confirm
7.4.2 You can set the of f time and the sleep time. In the STOP mode, the player
will be of f or in Sleep Mode automatically based on the duration you set.
You may set “0” to disable these function.
7.5 Online Device Set
7.5.1 Press Previous / Next buttons to select Online device on the System Set
menu page, and press MODE button to confirm
7.5.2 If you set the player as Media Device, then you can synchronize songs
from PC to the player. If you set the player as USB disk, then you can
drag and drop files from PC to the playe .r
7.6 Memory Information
7.6.1 Press Previous / Next buttons to select Memory Info, and press MODE
button to see the current memory information of the player .
8. Other
8.1 Fi les List
8 .1.1 Folder Management
8 .1.2 Folder Nav igation
8 .1 Stop mode, .1 .2 In the press the MODE button and lect se Local folder.
8 .2 ted folder .1 .2 Th e crea names in the first the layer are listed on
d isplay. Choos your folder by e desired name pushing
/ Next buttons, and M select Previous pressing key, you will the
folder, and press MODE button to selec t it.
8 .3 .1 Sub-folder
8 .1 You nter folder .1 .3 may e e ac h in to order loca te sub- your desired
f older. en Th press MODE button for c mation. onfir
2 Repea t Mode Set
8 .2 .1 ING In PLAY mode, press MODE button to e nter b-menu. t the su Selec
Repea t, and MODE press button to repeat selectionenter the mode
screen. 7 repeat odes re vailable: ormal, R t One, Folder, m a a N epea
Repea t Folder, R All, andom nd tro. epea t R a In
Press Previous / Next buttons to selec t your des ired Repeat mode,
and press MODE button to m. confir
3 EQ Mode Set
8 .3 .1 ING In PLAY mode, press MODE button to enter the su b-menu. Then press
Next to select Equalizer, a nd press MODE button to enter the EQ mode
selection sc reen. 7 EQ modes are available: N atural, Rock, Pop, Classic, Soft,
Jazz a nd DBB . Press Previous / Next buttons to select an EQ mode and
press MODE button to confi m the setting.r
4 Delete esfil
8 .4 .1 In STOP mode, press MODE button to enter the deletion function.
Press Next to select Delete, and press MODE to confirm selec
Then press Previous / Next buttons to selec t the le delete, fiyou want to
and press MODE button to m.confir
Selec t “YES ” or “No” pressing / Next buttons. en by Previous Th press
MODE button to m.confir
8 .4 .2 Exit this function by holding MODE button long.
Correct disposal of this Product
(Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment(WEEE)
Your product is designed and manufactured with high quality materials and
components which can be recycled and reused.
This symbol means that electrical and electronic equipment, at their end of-
life should be disposed of separately from your household waste.
Please dispose of this equipment at your local community waste collection/
recycling centre.
In the European Union there are separate collection systems for used
electrical and electronic products.Please help us to conserve the
environment we live in!
- The warranty of this product is for 2 years since the purchase date.
- The warranty will exclud e breakdowns caused by bad use of the product, wrong installation or
installation in not desirable places for a proper maintenance of the product, rips, updates of the
products that are not the supplied by the brand, pieces wore away for its use or for not domestic
or inappropriate use. Also are excluded breakdowns caused for manipulations of the products
by people or companies alien to our company.
- For any request regarding the warranty terms, the purchase receipt must be attached.
Council Directive(s) to which conformity is declared:
Directive (2004/108/EC) - EMC
Directive (2002/95/EC) - R oHS
Application of the Standards:
EN 55022:2010
EN 55024:2010
EN 61000-3-2:2006+A1:2009+A2:2009
EN 61000-3-3:2008
C/Pallars 189, 08005 Barcelona
Manufacturer’s name:
Manufacturer’s address:
Type of equipment:
Model no.:
We, the undersigned, hereby declare under our sole responsibility that the
specified equipment is in conformity with the above Directive(s) and
Place: Barcelona ______________________________
Víctor Planas Bas
(Full name)
Date: 25 - August - 2015
General Manager
Made in China
Guía Rápida
1. NO coloque objetos encima del
aparato porque podrían rayarlo.
2. NO exponga el aparato a entornos
sucios o polvorientos.
3. NO coloque el aparato en una
superficie desigual o inestable.
4. NO introduzca ningún objeto
extraño en el aparato.
5. NO exponga el aparato a un campo
magnético o eléctrico fuerte.
6. NO exponga el aparato
directamente a la luz del sol porque
podría dañarlo.
Manténgalo apartado de superficies calientes.
7. NO guarde el aparato a temperaturas
superiores a los 40 ºC (104 ºF). La
temperatura interna de funcionamiento
de este aparato es de 20 °C (68 °F) a 60 °C
(140 °F).
8. NO utilice el aparato bajo la lluvia.
9. Consulte con su ayuntamiento o
vendedor para saber cómo eliminar de
forma correcta los aparatos
10. El aparato y el adaptador pueden
producir algo de calor durante el
funcionamiento normal de la carga.
Para evitar la incomodidad o un daño debido a la
exposición al calor NO deje el aparato en su regazo.
la etiqueta del aparato y
asegúrese de que el adaptador
de potencia corresponde a la capacidad. Utilice
únicamente los accesorios especificados por el
12. Limpie el aparato con un paño
suave. Si fuera necesario,
humedezca ligeramente el paño antes de limpiar.
No utilice nunca mezclas abrasivas o productos
de limpieza.
13. Apague siempre el aparato para
instalar o quitar dispositivos externos
que no aguanten la conexión en caliente.
14. Desconecte el aparato de la toma
de corriente eléctrica y apáguelo antes
de limpiarlo.
15. NO desmonte el aparato. Sólo un
técnico de servicio autorizado debe
realizar las reparaciones.
16. El aparato tiene aperturas para
liberar calor.
NO bloquee la ventilación del
aparato, el aparato puede calentarse y
comenzar a funcionar mal.
17. Riesgo de explosión en caso de
sustitución de la batería por otra de un
tipo incorrecto. Tire las baterías usadas
siguiendo las instrucciones.
enchufe debe estar instalado cerca del
equipo y tener un acceso fácil.
1. Visión General
2. Reproducción de música
2.1 Desilce el botón On/Off para encender el reproductor. Después de entrar en el men
reproducción de canciones.
2.2 Presione el botón Play/Pause para comenzara reproducir la canción seleccionada.
2.3 Presione y mantenga a pretado MODO para mostrar las letras, y presione MODO de
2.4 Presione los botones Previo/Siguiente para saltar a la canción previa a la siguiente canción;
Mantenga a pretados los botones Previo/Siguiente para o rebobionar la canción
adelante o atrás.
Presione los botones de Vol para ajustar el volumen presionando el botón Previo/Siguiente.
2.7 Mantenga apretado el botón MODO para mostrar de nuevo el menú principal.
Mantenga pulsada la tecla de volumen para activar y desactivar el bloqueo de teclas.
Cuando el volumen sea demasiado alto, aparecerá un aviso en el visor.
“¡Precaución! Puede causar daños auditivos”
Pulse la tecla VOL+ para aumentar el volumen.
nuevo para regresar.
principal, seleccione Music y presione el botón de MODO para entrar en el modo de
Botón de Previo Botón de Siguiente
Botón Play/Pausa
Botón MODO
Puerto USB
Ranura de auriculares

Specyfikacje produktu

Marka: Sunstech
Kategoria: Mp3 speler

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