Instrukcja obsΕ‚ugi Pyle PLCM7800

Przeczytaj poniΕΌej πŸ“– instrukcjΔ™ obsΕ‚ugi w jΔ™zyku polskim dla Pyle PLCM7800 (5 stron) w kategorii Achteruitrijcamera. Ta instrukcja byΕ‚a pomocna dla 5 osΓ³b i zostaΕ‚a oceniona przez 2 uΕΌytkownikΓ³w na Ε›rednio 4.5 gwiazdek

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WARNING:Failureto thesereadandfollow  warnings andinstructionsmayresultinseriousinjury,includingdamaged
property,sopleasepay close and attention exhibittheutmostcare.
β€’ is inTheDigitalBackupCamera designedasanaidtothedriver detectingpotentiallyhazardousdrivingconditions,
obstructions, driver, rememberand large stationaryobjects. You, the mustalso to thedrive andsafely properly. Use of 
DigitalBackupCamera is not a substituteforsafe, practices.properandlegaldriving 
upjustasyou Alwayswould vehicle if the didnot Camera.havetheDigitalBackup  makesureyourdrivingarea  is clear.
Alwaysback up slowlyandwithcaution.
‒NeverdependontheBackupCameraentirelywhenbackingup.Theimageonthescreenis different fromactualand
real wide‐timeconditions. actualObjectsviewedintherearview monitor  differ from distancesbecause a‐anglelens is
used. cameraSousethe as an aidand always followintendeddrivingpracticestoproperly judge distancesfromobjects.
‒TheBackupCamera'sassistedlow                lux lighting performance feature is also an aid to a driver. Always use your own eyes
toconfirmthevehicle’s surroundings, asthedisplayed Alwa ysimagemaybenot notwell lit or entirelyvisible.  proceed
with caution andperform beforedouble‐checks proceeding.
‒Theareadisplayedbythe                 Backup Camera is limited. It does not display objects that are close to or just below the
bumper,underneaththevehicle,or ofobjectsout the tocamera’s accordingview.Thecamera'sviewcanchange  your
vehicle'sorientationon ortheroad changing conditions.road 
‒Besuretoalwayscheckthecamera is properly properlyfun ctioning, is positionedandsecurelymounted.
β€’ intended,Makesureyourtrunkorhatchoperatescorrectly,as beforeandafterinstallation.
‒Proceedwithcautionwhencleaningyourvehicle around thecamera.Avoidexcess aroundwaterexposure thecamera
especiallywithsprayingora power washer.
β€’ aUsing BackupCameraSystemisnotadequateenoughto        completely eliminate a vehicle’s blind spot. Always remember
Pleaseread voidallofthe theinstallationinstructionscarefully installingbefore  product.Improperinstallationwill 
manufacturer’swarranty.Theinstallation vehicles, instructions donot allapplyto  typesof  andarewrittenas
guidelinestoassist an in installingthesystem.  Pleaseconsult  experienced comfortabletechnician if youarenot 
installing               the product. Prior to using and installing the Backup Camera System, please read the safety information
provided in this use product userusermanual.Besureto the asoutlined in this manual.Altercationormodifications
carriedoutwithoutappropriateauthorization invalidatemay the theuser'srighttooperate equipment.
CameraSysteminstallation diesel wiring installationon vehiclesmayrequire different a slightly  install.These instructionsdo not apply
to toalltypesof meantvehicles. areThey  only  as a generalguidedue thelarge Consultnumberofvehiclemakesandmodels. your
localmotorvehiclelawsontheuse                 of this product to be sure it is permitted.Through installation of this backup camera system, you
shouldbe damagesure as tonot degrade,  or or oncompromisethesafety systemofany   device yourvehicle.Improperinstallation
operatingsystems.Thatcouldleadtoanaccidentorfire,causingproperty personaldamageand/orserious  injury.Itishighly
recommended seekto professional electricianinstallationadvicefrom a qualifiedauto        or, in thealternative, to have the installation
performedby    a qualified auto electrician.
Please features.ensure safetythatyourmonitoris itsecuredandmountedwhere wouldNOTobstructanyOEMvehicle  Inaneventof
an a projectile.accident,manufacturerisnotresponsibleforbodilyinjurycausedbythemonitorbeing  Selectlocationformounting
themonitorindesired location. Ensuremonitorlocationwillnot obstruct  yourvisionwhile driving. Themanufacturerassumesno
liabilityfordamagecausedto toyourvehicledue improperinstallationor use. 
Thebackupcamera system iscompatible range andwith  a wide ofvehicles videodisplaymonitors.
Thiskitincludesnecessarywiringand cable accessories  connector sufficientfortypicalconnections.However,
additional andaccessorycables  installation materials may be      necessary for a completely secure and
Connectthe the the DCcamera,using redcable,of  12Vpower          cable, to the positive 12V reverse tail light in the
rear car.ofyour You ormayneed to temporarilyremovean interior panel othercover.Then, theconnect black
wire,ofthe DC 12Vpowercable,andground groundproperly.Thisconnectedpowerand cableconnects to the
camera,andwillsupply  power to thecameradirectly.(Redwireis ispositive,blackwire negative)
Then runusetheincludedyellowRCAvideoconnectorcable,and thatcable to theyellowRCAvideoconnector
jackof ofthe thecamera, to RCAvideoconnector  a compatiblevideo display monitor.
*The connection, havesystem includes input an videoadditional   soyouwill the connectability to anadditional
video inputinputsource.The sourceisthenselectableviabuttononthemirrormonitorassembly.
Connectthe themonitorusing included         power and video wiring harness.Using the red cable, of the power and
videowiringharness,connect to yourvehicle's whichfusepanel(preferablytothe12Vignitionswitch)‐ willonly
be bypoweredwhenyourvehicleison,oractivated key.Thenconnect blackthe wire, input,ofthe DC 12V and
groundproperly.The powercoloredwire,onthe and wiringvideo harness,isthe12Vreversegearpositive
trigger,which monitorwill provide mirror  a picture, to the video assembly,when reverse.thegearis inplaced  
The power and wiringvideo harnessthenconnects the to mirror willvideo assembly. connectionmonitor This  
supplypower to themonitordirectly.
‐Determine   the best location forthe (The preferablycamera camerais mounted licensejust theabove  plate).
‐Be          sure when running the connection cables to leave a small amountofslack can stillsoyou   movethe thecameraaround license
plate,ifyoudecideto theslightlyadjust camera'spositioningat a latertime.
Caution: aThisunitisdesignedtooperateon 12V/24VDCNEGATIVEGROUNDelectricalsystems.Connectingtoothertypesofelectrical
systemswillcause contactdamagetoyourvehicle.Please the themanufacturerif you areunawareof systemtypeinyourvehicle.

Specyfikacje produktu

Marka: Pyle
Kategoria: Achteruitrijcamera
Model: PLCM7800

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