Instrukcja obsΕugi Pyle PLCM7500
kamera cofania
Przeczytaj poniΕΌej π instrukcjΔ obsΕugi w jΔzyku polskim dla Pyle PLCM7500 (5 stron) w kategorii kamera cofania. Ta instrukcja byΕa pomocna dla 5 osΓ³b i zostaΕa oceniona przez 2 uΕΌytkownikΓ³w na Εrednio 4.5 gwiazdek
Strona 1/5

WARNING:ξFailureξto theseξreadξandξfollowξ ξ ξwarnings andξinstructionsξmayξresultξinξseriousξinjury,ξincludingξdamagedξ
property,ξsoξpleaseξpay close andξ ξattentionξ ξexhibitξtheξutmostξcare.ξ
β’ is inξTheξDigitalξBackupξCameraξ ξdesignedξasξanξaidξtoξtheξdriverξ ξdetectingξpotentiallyξhazardousξdrivingξconditions,ξ
obstructions, driver, rememberξand largeξ ξstationaryξobjects.ξ ξYou, theξ ξmustξalsoξ ξto theξdrive andξsafelyξ ξproperly.ξ ξUse ofξ ξ
DigitalξBackupξCameraξ ξis notξ ξa substituteξforξsafe, practices.ξproperξandξlegalξdrivingξ ξ
upξjustξasξyou Alwaysξwould vehicleξ ξif theξ ξdidξnot Camera.ξhaveξtheξDigitalξBackupξ ξ ξmakeξsureξyourξdrivingξareaξ ξ ξis clear.
Alwaysξback upξ ξslowlyξandξwithξcaution.ξ
β’ξNeverξdependξonξtheξBackupξCameraξentirelyξwhenξbackingξup.ξTheξimageξonξtheξscreenξisξ ξdifferent fromξactualξandξ
real wideβtimeξconditions. actualξObjectsξviewedξinξtheξrearξview monitorξ ξ ξdiffer fromξ ξdistancesξbecauseξ ξaβangleξlensξ ξis
used. cameraξSoξuseξtheξ ξas anξ ξaidξand alwaysξ ξfollowξintendedξdrivingξpracticesξtoξproperlyξ ξjudge distancesξfromξobjects.ξ
β’ξTheξBackupξCamera'sξassistedξlowξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξlux lighting performance feature is also an aid to a driver. Always use your own eyes
toξconfirmξtheξvehicleβs surroundings,ξ ξasξtheξdisplayed Alwa ysξimageξmayξbeξnot notξwellξ ξlit orξ ξentirelyξvisible.ξ ξ ξproceed
withξ ξcaution andξperform beforeξdoubleβchecksξ ξproceeding.ξξ
β’ξTheξareaξdisplayedξbyξtheξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξBackup Camera is limited. It does not display objects that are close to or just below the
bumper,ξunderneathξtheξvehicle,ξor ofξobjectsξoutξ ξthe toξcameraβs accordingξview.ξTheξcamera'sξviewξcanξchangeξ ξ ξyourξ
vehicle'sξorientationξon orξtheξroadξ ξchanging conditions.ξroadξ ξ
β’ξBeξsureξtoξalwaysξcheckξtheξcameraξ ξis properly properlyξfun ctioning,ξ ξis ξpositionedξandξsecurelyξmounted.ξ
β’ intended,ξMakeξsureξyourξtrunkξorξhatchξoperatesξcorrectly,ξasξ ξbeforeξandξafterξinstallation.ξ
β’ξProceedξwithξcautionξwhenξcleaningξyourξvehicle aroundξ ξtheξcamera.ξAvoidξexcess aroundξwaterξexposureξ ξtheξcameraξ
especiallyξwithξsprayingξorξaξ ξpower washer.ξξ
β’ aξUsingξ ξBackupξCameraξSystemξisξnotξadequateξenoughξtoξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξcompletely eliminate a vehicleβs blind spot. Always remember
Pleaseξread voidξallξofξthe theξinstallationξinstructionsξcarefully installingξbeforeξ ξ ξproduct.ξImproperξinstallationξwillξ ξ
manufacturerβsξwarranty.ξTheξinstallation vehicles,ξ ξinstructions doξnot allξapplyξtoξ ξ typesξofξ ξ andξareξwrittenξasξ
guidelinesξtoξassist anξ ξin installingξtheξsystem.ξ ξ Pleaseξconsultξ ξ experienced comfortableξtechnicianξ ξif youξareξnotξ ξ
installingξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξthe product.ξξ Prior to using and installing the Backup Camera System, please read the safety information
providedξ ξin this use product userξuserξmanual.ξBeξsureξtoξ ξtheξ ξasξoutlinedξ ξin thisξ ξmanual.ξAltercationξorξmodificationsξ
carriedξoutξwithoutξappropriateξauthorization invalidateξmayξ ξthe theξuser'sξrightξtoξoperateξ ξequipment.ξ

CameraξSystemξinstallation diesel wiring installationξonξ ξvehiclesξmayξrequire differentξ ξa slightlyξ ξ ξinstall.ξTheseξ ξinstructionsξdo notξ ξapplyξ
to toξallξtypesξof meantξvehicles. areξTheyξ ξ ξonlyξ ξ ξas a generalξguideξdueξ ξtheξlarge Consultξnumberξofξvehicleξmakesξandξmodels.ξ ξyourξ
localξmotorξvehicleξlawsξonξtheξuse ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξof this product to be sure it is permitted.ξξThrough installation of this backup camera system, you
shouldξbe damageξsureξ ξas toξnot degrade,ξ ξ ξor or onξcompromiseξtheξsafety systemξofξanyξ ξ ξ deviceξ ξyourξvehicle.ξξImproperξinstallationξ
operatingξsystems.ξThatξcouldξleadξtoξanξaccidentξorξfire,ξcausingξproperty personalξdamageξandξ/orξseriousξ ξ injury.ξItξisξhighlyξ
recommended seekξtoξ ξprofessional electricianξξinstallationξadviceξfromξ ξa qualifiedξautoξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξor, in theξξalternative, to have the installation
performedξbyξ ξ ξ ξ ξa qualified auto electrician.
Please features.ξensure safetyξthatξyourξmonitorξis itξsecuredξandξmountedξwhereξ ξwouldξNOTξobstructξanyξOEMξvehicleξ ξ ξξInξanξeventξofξ
an a projectile.ξaccident,ξmanufacturerξisξnotξresponsibleξforξbodilyξinjuryξcausedξbyξtheξmonitorξbeingξ ξ ξSelectξlocationξforξmountingξ
theξmonitorξinξdesiredξ ξlocation. Ensureξmonitorξlocationξwillξnot obstructξ ξ yourξvisionξwhileξ ξdriving. Theξmanufacturerξassumesξnoξ
liabilityξforξdamageξcausedξto toξyourξvehicleξdueξ ξimproperξinstallationξor use.ξ ξ
Theξbackupξcameraξ ξsystem isξcompatible range andξwithξ ξ ξa wide ξofξvehiclesξ ξvideoξdisplayξmonitors.ξξξ
Thisξkitξincludesξnecessaryξwiringξand cable accessoriesξ ξ ξconnector ξsufficientξforξtypicalξconnections.ξξHowever,ξ
additional andξaccessoryξcablesξ ξ ξinstallation materialsξ ξmay beξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξnecessary for a completely secure and
Connectξthe the the DCξcamera,ξusingξ ξredξcable,ξofξ ξ ξ12Vξpowerξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξcable, to the positive 12V reverse tail light in the
rear car.ξofξyourξ ξξYou orξmayξneedξ ξto temporarilyξremoveξanξ ξinterior panelξ ξotherξcover.ξξThen, theξconnectξ ξblackξ
wire,ξofξthe DCξ ξ12Vξpowerξcable,ξandξground groundξproperly.ξThisξconnectedξpowerξandξ ξcableξconnectsξ ξto theξ
camera,ξandξwillξsupplyξ ξ ξpower to theξcameraξdirectly.ξξ(Redξwireξis isξpositive,ξblackξwireξ ξnegative)ξ
Then runξuseξtheξincludedξyellowξRCAξvideoξconnectorξcable,ξandξ ξthatξcableξ ξto theξyellowξRCAξvideoξconnectorξ
jackξof ofξthe theξcamera,ξ ξto ξRCAξvideoξconnectorξ ξ ξa compatibleξvideoξ ξdisplay monitor.ξξ
*The connection, haveξsystem includes inputξ ξan videoξadditionalξ ξ ξ ξsoξyouξwillξ ξthe connectξabilityξ ξto ξanξadditionalξ
video inputξinputξsource.ξTheξ ξsourceξisξthenξselectableξviaξbuttonξonξtheξξmonitor.ξ
Connectξthe theξmonitorξusingξ ξincludedξ ξpower andξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξvideo wiring harness.ξξUsing the red cable, of theξ ξpower andξ
videoξwiringξharness,ξconnectξ ξto yourξvehicle's whichξfuseξpanelξ(preferablyξtoξtheξ12Vξignitionξswitch)ξβξ ξwillξonlyξ
be byξpoweredξwhenξyourξvehicleξisξon,ξorξactivatedξ ξkey.ξThenξconnect blackξtheξ ξwire, input,ξofξthe DCξ ξ12Vξ ξandξ
groundξproperly.ξξThe powerξcoloredξwire,ξonξtheξ ξand wiringξvideoξ ξharness,ξisξtheξ+12Vξreverseξgearξpositive,ξ
whichξwill mirrorξprovideξ ξa picture,ξ ξto theξ ξvideoξmonitorξassembly,ξwhenξtheξgearξis inξplacedξ ξreverseξβξ
(connected harnessξpreferably circuit).ξtoξyourξvehicle'sξ+12Vξreverseξlightingξ ξξTheξ ξpower and wiringξvideoξ ξ ξ ξthen
connectsξ ξto the theξmonitor.ξThis supplyξconnectionξwillξ ξ ξ ξpower to ξmonitorξdirectly.ξξξ
βξDetermineξ ξ ξ ξthe best location forξthe (The preferablyξcameraξ ξcameraξisξ ξmounted licenseξjust theξaboveξ ξ ξplate).ξξ
βξBeξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξsure when running the connection cables to leave a small amountξofξslack can stillξsoξyouξ ξ ξ moveξthe theξcameraξaroundξ ξlicenseξ
plate,ξifξyouξdecideξto theξslightlyξadjustξ ξcamera'sξpositioningξatξ ξa laterξtime.ξ
Caution: aξThisξunitξisξdesignedξtoξoperateξonξ ξ12V/24VξDCξNEGATIVEξGROUNDξelectricalξsystems.ξConnectingξtoξotherξtypesξofξelectricalξ
systemsξwillξcause contactξdamageξtoξyourξvehicle.ξPleaseξ ξthe theξmanufacturerξifξ ξyou areξunawareξofξ ξsystemξtypeξinξyourξvehicle.ξ
Specyfikacje produktu
Marka: | Pyle |
Kategoria: | kamera cofania |
Model: | PLCM7500 |
Kolor produktu: | BiaΕy |
Typ produktu: | Projektor o standardowym rzucie |
ΕΉrΓ³dΕo zasilania: | PrΔ d przemienny |
Wbudowany wyΕwietlacz: | Nie |
CzΔstotliwoΕΔ wejΕciowa AC: | 50 - 60 Hz |
NapiΔcie wejΕciowe AC: | 100 - 240 V |
WysokoΕΔ produktu: | 78 mm |
SzerokoΕΔ produktu: | 261 mm |
GΕΔbokoΕΔ produktu: | 190 mm |
Waga produktu: | 1900 g |
W zestawie pilot zdalnego sterowania: | Tak |
PodrΔcznik uΕΌytkownika: | Tak |
Technologia ΕΔ cznoΕci: | Przewodowa |
Poziom haΕasu: | 31 dB |
Wbudowane gΕoΕniki: | Tak |
Moc wyjΕciowa (RMS): | 2 W |
ZasiΔg obiektywu: | 2.55 - 2.72 |
Umieszczenie: | Komputer stacjonarny |
Zakres temperatur (eksploatacja): | 5 - 40 Β°C |
WspΓ³Εczynnik kontrastu (typowy): | 3000:1 |
Natywne proporcje obrazu: | 16:10 |
MoΕΌliwoΕΔ przybliΕΌenia: | Tak |
Wi-Fi: | Nie |
Przewody: | AC,VGA |
PobΓ³r mocy w trybie czuwania: | 1 W |
Wejscie Audio (L,P): | 1 |
Przewodowa sieΔ LAN: | Nie |
Zintegrowany czytnik kart: | Nie |
KompatybilnoΕΔ 3D: | Tak |
PobΓ³r mocy: | 230 W |
IloΕΔ portΓ³w HDMI: | 1 |
Port RS-232: | 1 |
Baterie w zestawie: | Nie |
Kensington Lock: | Tak |
Typ gniazda zamka kabla: | Kensington |
Liczba portΓ³w VGA (D-Sub): | 1 |
Wersja HDMI: | 1.3 |
ZuΕΌycie energii w trybie energooszczΔdnym: | 205 W |
IloΕΔ wbudowanych glosnikΓ³w: | 1 |
WskaΕΊnik LED zasilania: | Tak |
DΕugoΕΔ ogniskowa: | 21.3 - 24.5 mm |
ZasiΔg skanowania w poziomie: | 15.3 - 90 kHz |
ZasiΔg skanowania (dΕugoΕΔ): | 43 - 85 Hz |
ZΕoΕΌone wejΕcie wideo: | 1 |
ObsΕugiwane tryby wideo: | 1080i,480p,720p |
Walizka: | Tak |
Port DVI: | Nie |
ObsΕugiwane proporcje obrazu: | 4:3,16:9 |
PeΕny HD: | Nie |
System formatu sygnaΕu analogowego: | NTSC,NTSC 4.43,PAL B,PAL H,PAL I,PAL M,PAL N,SECAM |
OstroΕΔ: | RΔczny |
Format obrazu: | 16:10 |
Interfejs SCSI: | RS-232 |
JasnoΕΔ projektora: | 2600 ANSI lumenΓ³w |
Technologia projekcji: | DLP |
Naturalna rozdzielczoΕΔ projektora: | WXGA (1280x800) |
Korekcja Keystone'a, poziom: | -15 - 15 Β° |
JednorodnoΕΔ: | 85 % |
OdlegΕoΕΔ projekcji: | 1 - 11.4 m |
KompatybilnoΕΔ rozmiaru ekranu: | 31 - 300 " |
Rodzaj ΕΊrΓ³dΕa ΕwiatΕa: | Lampa |
Moc lampy: | 180 W |
Ε»ywotnoΕΔ ΕΊrΓ³dΕa ΕwiatΕa: | 3000 h |
Ε»ywotnoΕΔ ΕΊrΓ³dΕa ΕwiatΕa (tryb ekonomiczny): | 4000 h |
WspΓ³Εczynnik zbliΕΌenia: | 1.16:1 |
Rodzaj zoomu: | RΔczny |
PrzesuniΔcie: | 120 % |
WejΕcie S-Video: | 1 |
Poziom haΕasu (tryp ekonomiczn): | 28 dB |
IloΕΔ kolorΓ³w: | 1.073 billionΓ³w kolorΓ³w |
3D Ready: | Tak |
HD-Ready: | Tak |
Potrzebujesz pomocy?
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