Instrukcja obsługi Netis PL7500

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Strona 1/2
AV500 Powerline Adapter
Quick Installation Guide
1.Packet Content
PL 7 50 0 Re s ou rc e CD Qui ck I ns ta ll at io n Gu id e Eth er ne t Ca ble
2.Warning Before Installation
3.LED and Button Descriptions
5 minutes after the L A N port is d is c on n ec te d o r the c on ne c te d d ev ic e is tu rned of f, t h e powerline ad apter
will autom atically switch t o p ow e r- sa v in g m ode.
AV500 Powerline Adapter Quick Installation Guide
Tip: It's strong l y reco mmended that you pl ug th e adapter directly into the wall sock et, for some pow er strips
have surge protector whi ch can filter th e data .
Tip: Di ffe rent power plu g is pro vided for different regi on. Here we take the E U versi o n for exa mple.
After ta ki ng th e steps a b ov e, you ca n sur f th e Internet.
1).As s o on as the p ow e rl i ne a dapters are co n ne c te d as abov e, a usable po w er line ne two rk i s built up. To
secure the n e tw or k , please re fer t o t he App end ix: U se i ng Gro u p Button
2).Please m ak e sure th at yo ur network is pr o pe rly c on n ec t ed t o the i nt ernet.
Appendix: Using the Group Button (Setting up a private group)
4.Network Installation
Ad apte r A Ad apte r B
Ad apte r C
Ad apte r A Ad apte r B
To set up a private group:
1).Press t he Gr ou p button o n A da p te r A for 1 secon d a nd the P o we r line L E D will be gi n flashing.
2).Within 2 m in ut e s, p r es s the G ro u p button on Adapter B f o r 1-3 s ec on d s an d the P LC LE D will begin f lashing
as well . I n about 6 0 seconds yo u’ ll se e t he PLC L E D on bo th ada pters light u p, i n di ca ting t ha t th e t wo ad ap te rs
have in t er com mu n ic a te d with each ot he r s uc c es sf u ll y.
Tip 1: It is h ig hl y r ec o mm ended t o f ir st s e t up the tw o adapters a s cl o se as p os si b le a n d then p l ac e t he m in
a suitable location.
To join an existing private group:
If you want to a d d adapter C t o the e xi s ting pr iv ate g r ou p, p l ea s e fo ll o w the s te ps .
1). Press the Gr o up b u tt on on t he Adapter A or B fo r 1 sec on d (do n o t pr es s both), a nd t h e Powerline LE D
will be gin f lashing.
2). Within 2 m in u te s p re ss the Gr o up b utton on A da p te r C for 1 s econd, the P ow e rl ine L ED on t he adapter C
will light u p i n ab out 60 se c on ds .
Tip 2: You c an follow th e steps a bo ve to add mo re adapters to t h e private group one b y one.
Tip 3: If y ou wa nt to r es et or rename t h e de vice please in s ta ll the Po w er l in e Utility from
the res o ur ce CD . (On ly f o r Windows)
Q1. I have f o ll ow e d the a bo ve instructions, bu t m y ada pt er s a re still no t w or k in g. Wh at c a n I do?
1).Ma ke su r e th at all the a da pt e rs a r e unde r t he s a me ele c tric me te r.
2).If the Po w er LED d o es not ligh t u p at all, there ma y be a hardware p ro bl em.
3).The p ow e rl in e d ev i ce s might n ot co mm u nicate with ea c h ot he r if they ar e in different phrases o f a four-wire
three-phase circuit
4). As some po wer s trips h av e s ur g e protector, plea se ma k e sure t h e adapters are n o t se pa r at e d by the t h em .
Q2. The ad a pt er s w ere w or ki n g fi n e but no long er wo rk no w since t he y 'v e bee n moved . Ho w do I mak e
t he m wor k again?
Plug th e a da p te rs into the sa me powe r s tr ip a n d follow to gro up th em . If th ey Appendix Using th e G roup B u tt on
still don't w or k, p l ea s e ch eck for p o ss ib le in ter ference ca us e s:
1).Air-conditioners, wa s hi ng ma chines, and ot h er s i mi la r h ou s eh ol d a ppliances are w or ki n g to o close t o t he
2). Air switch m a y le a d to fai led c o mm un i ca t io n am o ng po we rl ine d e vi ce s . ch e ck whe ther t he re a r e air sw i tc hes
hindering com mu n ic ation.
Q3. How ca n I res to r e th e facto ry de f au lt s ?
With the a dapter is p o we r ed o n. Pres s t he default button at le ast 1 5 seconds.
Model No. PL7500/PL7500 Kit
AV500 Powerline Adapter Quick Installation Guide AV500 Powerline Adapter Quick Installation Guide
Po wykonaniu powyższych czynnci możesz surfować po Internecie.
1. Jak tylko zasilacze sieciowe zostaną podłączone w powyższy spob, stworzona zostaje użyteczna si
w przewodach energetycznych.
2. Upewnij się, że sijest odpowiednio połączona z Internetem.
Po provedení výše uvedených kroků můžete začít používat Internet.
1. Po zapojeadaptérů pro elektrické rozvodyše uvedem zsobem bude vytvořena v elektrickém
rozvodu funkční ť.
2. Zkontrolujte, zda je vaše síť řádně ipojena k Internetu.
После выполнения вышеуказанных мер Вы можете использовать Интернет , .
1. Powerline , , Powerline Как только адаптеры подключены как описа н о выше сеть готова к
использ ованию.
2. , , .Пожалуйста уб еди тесь что ваша сеть прави льн о подкл ю чена к Интернету
Yukarıdaki adımları tamamladıktan sonra, Internet'te gezinebilirsiniz.
1.ç adaprleri yuk arıda ki gibi ba ğlar bağlanmaz, kullanıl abi l ir birç ağı olur.
2.tfen a ğınız ın Internet'e düzgün bağlan ğından emin olun.
Adapter A Adapter B
AV500 Powerline Adapter Quick Installation Guide
Después de realizar los pasos anteriores, pueden navegar por Internet.
1. Tan pr onto como los a daptadores para cabl e eléctrico estén conectados com o se indica
anterior m ente, dispondrá de una red a tra vés de cables ectricos lista para usarse.
2. Aserese de que la red está correctamente conectada a Internet.
Depois de executar os passos indicados acima, poderá navegar na Internet.
1. Apó s a ligão dos adaptadores powerline, tal como indicado a cima, a rede powerli ne será criada.
2. Assegure-se de que a sua rede está devidam ente ligada à Internet.
Une fois l'installation faite comme ci-dessus, vous êtes prêt pour surfer sur Internet.
1.Dès la connexi on de l'adaptateur CPL [Adaptateur Courant Porteur en Ligne], une ligne réseau est
2.rifiez que votre réseau est bien connecté à Internet.
Una volta effettuate le procedure precedenti, è possibile navigare su Internet.
1. Quando gli adattatori Powerline sono collegati com e indicato in precedenza, viene creata una rete
Powerline utili zzabil e.
2. Assicurarsi che la rete sia collegata correttamente a I nter net.
Nach Durchführung der obigen Schritte können Sie im Internet surfen.
1. Sobald die Powerline-Adapter wie o ben angeschloss en si nd, ist ein nutzbares Powerli ne-Netzwerk
2. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Netzwerk richtig mit dem I nternet verbunden ist.
Na de bovenstaande stappen te hebben gezet, kunt u over internet surfen.
1. Zodra de lichtnet-adapter s zij n aangesloten zoal s hierboven is bes chreven, is een bruikbaar netwerk
via het li chtnet ontstaan.
2. Controleer of het netwerk met internet is verbonden.
1. 旦電力線橋接器以上述方式連接後,便會建立可用的電力線網路。
2. 確認您的網路已妥善連線到互聯網
PL750 0 AV500 Powerline Adapter
Quick Installation Guide
Mode l No. PL 7500/PL 7500 Kit
Button Description
Group Group button is used to secure a powerline network, To secure your network,
please refer to Appendix: Using the Group Button.
Default button is used to set factory defaul ts.
LED Status Indication
On The adapter is connected to the powerline network and
transferring powerline data.
Qui ck Flashing The adapter is wai ting for pairing/ is pairing.
Slow Flashing
The Ethernet cable is not connected and adapter is in
power-saving mo de/the adapter i s not connected to
a powerline network.
Off No power
LAN The Ethernet cable is connected/ transferring data.
Ethernet cable not connected.

Specyfikacje produktu

Marka: Netis
Kategoria: Niesklasyfikowane
Model: PL7500

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