Instrukcja obsługi Krell Theater 7
Przeczytaj poniżej 📖 instrukcję obsługi w języku polskim dla Krell Theater 7 (2 stron) w kategorii odbiornik. Ta instrukcja była pomocna dla 13 osób i została oceniona przez 2 użytkowników na średnio 4.5 gwiazdek
Strona 1/2

Theater 7 Power Amplifier
Gett Sting arted
K t th t A f t t d rell’s his ory is rich wi break hrough Class ampli iers ha have helped buil
t K of o t t f . A ve he rell legacy ffering he bes sounding ampli iers available udiophiles ha
always considered Class echnology be he bes ounding opera ing A t to t t s t ate for st
ampli iers However despi Class ’s unrivaled sound qualif . , te A ty, it s f t ha allen ou
of f of t to t t in ashion because recen demands reduce power consump ion and hea
home elec ronics produc rell engineering ook his challenge and rede ined t ts. K t t f the
meaning high per ormance power ampli ier ur goal unma ched per ormance of f f . O – t f ,
elegan design and compelling array ea urest , a of f t . T t , iB a he break hrough ias,
pa en pending circui delivering Class opera ion wi hou he exces ive heat t t A t t t t s t
and was ed energy conven ional designs housed in riking new orm ac t of t , a st f f tor,
wi ne work connec ivith t t ty f t . T n or advanced access and moni oring he sound is ope
and uncons rained in manner ha rivals live per ormance and he rue sound t , a t t f t t of
voices and ins rumen Music and dialogue are reproduced wi richness de ail t ts. th a , t ,
and ar ling dynamics ha ill room he Theater 7 ampli ier easy st t t t f a .T f is to te d opera an
in egra in your sys emt te to t .
Do no place he ampli ier where t t f it to .could be exposed dripping or splashing
Do no remove or bypass he ground pin on t t the end he of t AC . Tcord his may cause radi o
f t frequency in er erence (R FI) to tbe in roduced in your playback sys em to t .
T t the ven ila ion slo on he ts t top and bo om tt of t f t f the he ampli ier as well as he an openings on
bottom mus be unobs ruc t t ted all imes during opera ion at t t . t fDo no place lammable ma erial on t top
of th t t. or benea he componen
Turn off t ’ f tall sys ems power be ore connec ing he ampli ier any componen t f to t.
Make sure all cable termina ions aret of the highes quali t ty, f free rom rayed ends shor circui f , t ts, or
cold solder join ts.
1. O tpen he shipping box and remove he op layer t t of f . Yoam ou will see hese t items:
2. f itCare ully remove all ems rom he shipping box f t .
3. P tlace he ampli ier in sa lo f a fe cat t tion and remove he pro ec ive pla ic wrappingt st .
K A frell Theater 7 mpli ier 1
Kr Inell dus ies LLC 45 Connairtr , ., Road ange, Or , CT USA 06477-3650
TEL 203-799-9954, FAX 203- -799 9796
E- L MAI con c krellonline ota t@ .c m, WEB SITE www.krellonline o.c m
C the onn ingect
Theater 7 Amplifier
to Your System
B of its f fecause power ul ampli ier channels and high-capaci power suppl ty y, the
Theater 7 will bene fit f a rom dedica edt AC circui void connect. A tions hrough ex ensio t t n
cords or mul ple ti AC adap rs High quali 20 ampte . ty AC str ta . Pl e ips are accep ble eas
con cta t your au orized ell deale th Kr r or dis ibu r betr to for using any devices de gnede si to
al rter o stabilize e powe th AC r.
F tollow hese st to t f to t .eps connec the Theater 7 ampli ier your sys em
1. ts off f t ts dMake sure all power sources and componen are be ore connec ing inpu an
ou put ts.
2. t t t tNea ly organize he wiring be ween he Theater 7 and all sys em componen t ts.
S te AC f to t otepara wires rom audio cables preven hum or her unwan ed noi t ses f mro
being in roduced in t to t t .he sys em
3. t tConnec he loudspeaker cables to t he appropriate channel’s binding post terminals,
paying attention to the correct polarity.
4. t thConnec e ou u your preampli tp ts of fier or processor e appropria to th te input jacks.
Krell recommends following the channel assignments on the rear panel for best sound.
5. P tlug he AC to t C t t of t iB fcord in he IE connec or (19) on he back panel he ias ampli ier.
P tlug he remaining end in to t AC t . t Phe wall recep acle Move he ower rea er wi B k S tch
on he rear panel t to the up posi tion. The red and-by indica or (2) illumina st t tes theand
display shows he model numbe t r, f , r, IP ss.irmware version serial numbe and addre
Use only he t power cord provided with the Theater 7 ampli ier f to make he connec ion t t to AC r. powe
O tpera ion wi power cord th a ot t ther han he one supplied by rell can induce noise limi curren K , t t, or
otherwise impair he abili t ty of t fhe Theater 7 ampli ier per to form op imall t y.
W t , t fhen powering up any sys em alway urn ampli iers on las t.
W , t fhen powering down always urn ampli iers off f t.irs
1. Wh th fi sta , en e ampli er is in nd-by mode with th sta to )e red nd-by indica r (2
illumina d rn e ampli er on by pressing e power bu on on e on pane (1)te , tu th fi th tt th fr t l .
Th . Th to te . Th yere are audible clicks e blue power indica r (2) illumina s e displa will
show e th IP Ad th tu off Thdress and model number and en rn . e Theater 7 ampli e fi r
is now in e opera onal mode th ti .
2. With the preamplifier or processor in the mute position, or the volume control fully
attenuated, select a source.
3. Start playing the source.
4. Set the volume to a comfortable listening level using the preamplifier or processor
volume control.
5. To turn the amplifier off, press the power button on the front panel (1). The red
stand-by indicator (2) illuminates.
It is now safe to turn off the rest of the system.
4 K rell Theater 7 Ampli ief r
Op ingerat the
Theater 7 Amplifier T t th the his produc complies wi
E t /MC direc ive (89 336/EEC)
and he low-vol age direc t t tive
(73 23 C)/ /EE .
1 f cTheater 7 ampli ier hassis
1 C t (AC c d IE connec or power) or
1 V T12 rigger cabl e
1 Set up Guide
P tlacemen
O w vervie
This CLASS 1 apparatus must
be connected to a MAINS
socket outlet with a protective
earthing connection.
Krell recommends using balanced
interconnect cables. Balanced
interconnect cables not only
can minimize sonic loss but are
also immune to induced noise,
especially with installations using
long cables. Balanced connections
have 6 dB more gain than single-
ended connections. When level
matching is critical, keep this gain
value in mind. When using single-
Save all packing materials.
If you need to ship the iBias
th unit in its original packaging
to prevent shipping damage.
P tlace he Theater 7 ampli ier on f a firm level sur ace, f , awa rom ex essiy f c ve heat, humidity,
or mois ure t . T fhe ampli ier require leas s at t one in (2 ch .54 m) c of clearance on ea ch
side and at leas wo inches (5 cm)t t of ve to te clearance abo provide adequa ven ila iont t .
In tas lla on inside cabineti s try may need ex a ven la tr ti tion. Do not place the amplifier on a
deep pile carpet. There are ventilation slots on the bottom that must remain clear. Hot air
vents from the bottom so the amplifier should not be placed on any surface that will be
affected by air temperatures up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees Celsius).
ended connections, the U-clips must
be installed in the channel’s corresp-
onding XLR jack between pins 1-3.

2 K rell Theater 7 A fmpli ier K Arell Theater 7 mpli ierf 3
Figu Thre 1 e Fr t PanelTheater 7 on
Figure 2
Net rk trwo Con ol
S n cree
Front Panel Back Panel
1 Bu on Power tt
Use s bu on swi thi tt to tch the
Theater 7 ampli fier between
stan d opd-by an era nal modestio .
2 orPower Indicat
The stan tor d-by indica
illumina red whetes n
the fier Theater 7 ampli
is plugged into a standard AC
wal cep le and real re tac the r
pa r s tchnel power breake wi is
in si n the up po tio . This
indica ampli r is tes that the fie
in d-by mode an the stan d
ready be swi e to tch d to the
opera na odetio l m . The
indica llumina blue tor i tes
whe Theater 7 ampli r n the fie
is in o tio .pera nal mode
3 Front Panel Display
The fro y sh the nt panel displa ows
mode mbe mwar ersionl nu r, fir e v ,
serial numbe d ddress r, an IP a .
Fau t co tio o dil ndi ns are als splayed
on n anel displa the fro t p y.
After connec ing he Theater 7 t t
ampli ierf to a t local area ne work
(LAN) via the RJ 45 connec or (17) t ,
enter the ampli ier f 's IP to address in
t of a web browser he address bar
on a device he same connected to t
LAN. The ollowing addi iona f t l
f tea ures are now available .
1 Tem eratp ure M tor goni in
T tors he Theater 7 moni
t the empera uret of the
heat sink stsand adju fan
speed to t r main ain prope
c . Tooling empera uret s shown
in green , yellow, , and red
indicate cool warm, , d an
ho operat ting empera t tures.
2 Fan S usOp ionerat tat
F san peed is tmoni ored
and is catindi ed by a
green or prope fOK r
opera ion andt a E red
f r. or an erro
3 Displ indoay W w
I cates fndi ampli ier atst us
and an y fault condi iont s.
4 w USoft are pdate
P tress hi bu ons tt to
ini iat te a so wareft update
5 E or grr Lo
Set to E to ve nabled ha
f t c taul ondi ions s t to en
t ses he e-mail addres
li ed in hest t e-mail
addre window (6)ss .
C olontr
1 2 3 4
Figu Thre 3 e Theater 7 Back Panel
6 E A-mail dd windoress w
Up to 3 s s e-mail addre se
can en ered t to e receiv
f t t . aul condi ion e-mails
7 Dis Ti tplay meou
Set t the ime or how lon f g
t fhe ron panelt display
remains illumina ed t . The
Disabled op ion keep t s
th ted e display illumina
inde nfi itely.
8 No al TiSign mer
Set t the ime or how f long
t fhe ampli ier remains in
opera ional mode wit thout
receiving an inpu signal t .
T the Disabled op ion
keeps he ampli t fier
in opera onal mod ti e
inde nfi itely.
The ne workt mus havt e
In erne act t cess for ea f tures
4 to f tand 5 unc ion.
14 spLoud eaker t tsOu pu
Th fie Theater 7 ampli er is equipped
with standar inding pod b sts for
ea mplich a fier channel.
15 lanBa ced Analog Inpu ts
Th fie Theater 7 ampli er is equipped
wi onth e b cealan d inpu per t
ch l vianne a XLR nne co ctor.
16 ed Anal g Singl Ende- o Inputs
The fie Theater 7 ampli r is equipped
wi one gleth sin -ended inpu per t
cha l vianne RCA connector.
17 Ether etn Conn ioect n 18 12 DC (12 tr er V In V igg )
Th V Tr t a s yoe 12 igger inpu llow u
to ce the T fipla heater 7 ampli er in to
the s y tand-b or opera ona ti l mode
from other components.
19 C CIE onnector
Th coe nne orct is for use with the
pro dedvi IEC standard 20 amp
powe rdr co . Th s coi nnector and
power cord must remain
unobstructed for easy removal in
case of emergency.
20 AC Power Switch
Use this sw h to chitc ange the
Theater 7 ampli erfi from off to the
stand-b modey .
9 Power Button
Click on the Power button
to turn the Theater 7 on
or off.
12V IN
Th RJ4e 5 conne orct is used to
co Theater 7 annect the mplifi to a er
local area n nce thetwork (LAN). O e
amplifier is c ctonne ed to the LAN,
the amplifier’s network control
screen is viewable with a web
browser device connected to on a
the same network. Output current,
fan speeds, and temperature are all
moni red in realto time. If a fault
o ur on ecc s, it is displayed th front
panel and on th e web browser
in rte face. Additionally, if the LAN
has nternet access, e-mails I will
automatically be sent to as many
as three e-mail addresses to notify
Krell, the end user and/or the
dealer of the condition.
This product is manufactured in the United States America. of Krell
® is a registered trademark of Krell Industries, LLC.,
and is restricted
use by Krell Industries, LLC. its subsidiaries, and authorized agents. Krell Current Mode™, iBias™ and CAST™ is a trademark of Krell
Industries, All other trademarks and trade names are registered to their respective LLC. companies.
© 201 by Krell Industries, All rights 7LLC., reserved
Specyfikacje produktu
Marka: | Krell |
Kategoria: | odbiornik |
Model: | Theater 7 |
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Instrukcje odbiornik Krell

26 Września 2024
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- odbiornik MuxLab
- odbiornik Extron
- odbiornik Ocean Matrix
- odbiornik Comprehensive
- odbiornik HEOS
- odbiornik Legamaster
- odbiornik Madison
- odbiornik Ebode
- odbiornik Xtrend
- odbiornik Scansonic
- odbiornik Helix
- odbiornik Winegard
- odbiornik Laney
- odbiornik ETON
- odbiornik Xsarius
- odbiornik EA
- odbiornik DirecTV
- odbiornik Octagon
- odbiornik GOgroove
- odbiornik Crown
- odbiornik Kogan
- odbiornik Morel
- odbiornik Avantree
- odbiornik LYYT
- odbiornik Antelope Audio
- odbiornik CE Labs
- odbiornik Pharos
- odbiornik Accell
- odbiornik Jolida
- odbiornik Ecler
- odbiornik Lab Gruppen
- odbiornik Viscount
- odbiornik Ashdown Engineering
- odbiornik Triax
- odbiornik Synq
- odbiornik Mtx Audio
- odbiornik Aquatic AV
- odbiornik Parasound
- odbiornik DB Technologies
- odbiornik Roswell
- odbiornik Velodyne
- odbiornik Epcom
- odbiornik Selfsat
- odbiornik AVPro Edge
- odbiornik Evolution
- odbiornik Skytronic
- odbiornik CYP
- odbiornik Topp Pro
- odbiornik Whistler
- odbiornik Astell&Kern
- odbiornik Bellari
- odbiornik Dimavery
- odbiornik AMS Neve
- odbiornik A-NeuVideo
- odbiornik Aguilar
- odbiornik Powersoft
- odbiornik LinksPoint
- odbiornik Markbass
- odbiornik IMG Stage Line
- odbiornik Wireless Solution
- odbiornik Leviton
- odbiornik Aurel
- odbiornik ESX
- odbiornik NUVO
- odbiornik Phoenix Audio
- odbiornik Comtek
- odbiornik RetroSound
- odbiornik Pyramid
- odbiornik LEA
- odbiornik Sound Ordnance
- odbiornik Canyon
- odbiornik FiveO
- odbiornik Planet Audio
- odbiornik SureCall
- odbiornik CAD Audio
- odbiornik Black Hydra
- odbiornik Elipson
- odbiornik Phonic
- odbiornik Koda
- odbiornik Trace Elliot
- odbiornik Bang Olufsen
- odbiornik JTS
- odbiornik AER
- odbiornik Dynavox
- odbiornik Modelcraft
- odbiornik Simaudio
- odbiornik TIC
- odbiornik Niles
- odbiornik Knoll
- odbiornik Creek
- odbiornik Mobile Crossing
- odbiornik DAP
- odbiornik Edwards Signaling
- odbiornik GigaBlue
- odbiornik ANKARO
- odbiornik Bugera
- odbiornik Triangle
- odbiornik Wavtech
- odbiornik AmpliVox
- odbiornik Audiofrog
- odbiornik CyberData Systems
- odbiornik Williams Sound
- odbiornik Lyngdorf
- odbiornik SoundTube
- odbiornik WesAudio
- odbiornik AudioSource
- odbiornik Stewart
- odbiornik Leema
- odbiornik Axing
- odbiornik Seco-Larm
- odbiornik Mosconi
- odbiornik Crest
- odbiornik TechLogix Networx
- odbiornik Audibax
- odbiornik Meridian
- odbiornik Quad
- odbiornik Shinybow
- odbiornik Rexing
- odbiornik Shanling
- odbiornik Sinus Live
- odbiornik Soundtrack
- odbiornik Canor
- odbiornik Unison Research
- odbiornik Cerwin-Vega
- odbiornik Universal Remote Control
- odbiornik BMB
- odbiornik Cloud
- odbiornik Antelope
- odbiornik PTN-electronics
- odbiornik Loxjie
- odbiornik Cayin
- odbiornik VMV
- odbiornik GlobalSat
- odbiornik Aplic
- odbiornik PureLink
- odbiornik FoneStar
- odbiornik Henry Engineering
- odbiornik Glemm
- odbiornik ButtKicker
- odbiornik Atoll
- odbiornik Benchmark
- odbiornik SmartSystem
- odbiornik DARTS
Najnowsze instrukcje dla odbiornik

19 Marca 2025

14 Marca 2025

14 Marca 2025

14 Marca 2025

13 Marca 2025

13 Marca 2025

12 Marca 2025

12 Marca 2025

11 Marca 2025

11 Marca 2025