Instrukcja obsługi Intex Easy Set 183x51 - 28103

Intex Różnorodny Easy Set 183x51 - 28103

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(235IO) EN16927 SMALL EASY SET WITHOUT FITTING ENGLISH 4.875” X 6.3” 06/22/2020
Please read carefully and keep for future reference. Failure to follow these
warnings and instructions can result in serious injury or death to users, especially children.
Refer to the model name or number stated on the packaging and/or product. Packaging
must be read carefully and kept for future reference. See product for additional warnings.
• Keep children under supervision in the aquatic environment – drowning hazard.
• Only for domestic use. Only for outdoor use.
• Children can drown in very small amounts of water. Empty the pool when not in use.
• Keep children in your direct sight, stay close, and actively supervise them when they are in or near the pool and
 whenyouarellingandemptyingthispool.Whensearchingforamissingchild,checkthepoolrst,evenifchild
is thought to be in the house.
• Empty pool completely after each use and store the empty pool in such a way that it does not collect water from
rain or any other source.
Keep unsupervised children from accessing the pool by installing fencing or other approved barrier around all
sides of pool. State or local laws or codes may require fencing or other approved barriers. Check state or local
laws and codes before setting up pool.
Do not dive or jump into this pool. Diving or jumping into shallow water can result in broken neck, paralysis, or death.
Carefully read, understand, and follow all information in the user manual before installing and using the mini-pool.
These warnings, instructions, and safety guidelines address some common risks of water recreation, but they cannot
cover all risks and dangers in all cases. Always use caution, common sense, and good judgment when enjoying any
water activity. Retain this information for future use.
Non swimmers safety
• Continuous,active,andvigilantsupervisionofweakswimmersandnon-swimmersbyacompetentadultisrequired
 atalltimes(rememberingthatchildrenunderveareatthehighestriskofdrowning).
• Designateacompetentadulttosupervisethepooleachtimeitisbeingused.
• Weakswimmersornon-swimmersshouldwearpersonalprotectionequipmentwhenusingthemini-pool.
• Whenthemini-poolisnotinuse,removealltoysandappealingobjectsfromthewaterandthecopingtoavoid
attracting children to the pool.
• Whenthemini-poolisnotinuse,removealltoysorotherobjectsfromitssurroundingthatcouldbeusedbyachild
as a device to facilitate the access into the mini-pool (e.g. chairs, big toys, etc.).
Safety devices
• Itisrecommendedtoinstallabarrier(andsecurealldoorsandwindows,whereapplicable)topreventunauthorized
access to the mini-pool.
• Personalprotectiveequipment,barriers,poolcovers,poolalarms,orsimilarsafetydevicesarehelpfulaids,butthey
are not substitutes for continuous and competent adult supervision.
Safety equipment
• Keepaworkingphoneandalistofemergencyphonenumbersnearthemini-pool.
(235IO) EN16927 SMALL EASY SET WITHOUT FITTING ENGLISH 4.875” X 6.3” 06/22/2020
Safe use of the pool
• Encourageallusersespeciallychildrentolearnhowtoswim.
• LearnBasicLifeSupport(CardiopulmonaryResuscitation-CPR)andrefreshthisknowledgeregularly.
 Thiscanmakealife-savingdierenceintheeventofanemergency.
• Instructallmini-poolusers,includingchildren,whattodoincaseofanemergency.
• Neverdiveintoanyshallowbodyofwater.Thiscanleadtoseriousinjuryordeath.
• Donotusethemini-poolwhenusingalcoholormedicationthatmayimpairyourabilitytosafelyusethepool.
• Whenpoolcoversareused,removethemcompletelyfromthewatersurfacebeforeenteringthepool.
• Replacewaterregularlyaccordingtomanufacturerrecommendationsand,dependingonhygienicconditions,its
cleanliness, its clarity, and its odour, or if any debris or stains are present in the mini-pool. Use of chemicals in
mini-pools without water circulation may result in direct contact with the chemicals or in areas of high chemical
concentration resulting in injury to the users.
• Ifchemicalsareoccasionallyusedtoreducethefrequencyofwaterreplacement,followchemicalsmanufacturer
instructions closely (especially never use more than recommended), assure the appropriate mixing of chemicals to
avoid possible personal injuries and store chemicals out of reach of children.
• Theuseandinstallationofanyelectricalappliancesaroundmini-poolsshallbeinaccordancewiththenational
• Whereapplicable,removeanymeansofaccessfromthemini-poolandstoreitoutofreachofchildrenwhenever
the mini-pool is not in use.
• Useofaccessoriesnotapprovedbythemini-poolmanufacturer(e.g.ladders,covers,pumps,etc.)mayresultin
risks of injuries or property damages.
• Keepallelectricallines,radios,speakersandotherelectricalappliancesawayfromthepool.Donotplacepoolnear
or under overhead electrical lines.
• Observeandfollowthewarningsandsafetysignsonthepoolwall.
• Poolandpoolaccessoriesaretobeassembledanddisassembledbyadultsonly.Notoolsarerequiredforthe
• Donotsetupthepoolonaslopeorinclinedsurfaces.Theareawherethepoolistobesetupmustbeabsolutely
 atandlevel,andatleast2mawayfromanystructureorobstructionsuchasafence,garage,house,overhanging
branches, laundry lines or electrical wires.
• Thepoollocationmustallowconstantsupervisionofchildreninoraroundthepool.
• Theareashallfacilitatedrainageofthepoolwateraftereachuseand/orforlongtermpoolstorage.
• Donotinstallthepoolonmud,sand,softorloosesoilcondition,deck,platform,balcony,concrete,asphaltorany
other hard surfaces.
• Donotlean,straddle,orexertpressureontheinatablewallorsidewallasinjuryoroodingcouldoccur.Donot
allow anyone to sit on, climb, or straddle the sides of the pool.
• Protectallpooloccupantsfromrecreationalwaterillnessesbykeepingthepoolwaterclean.Don’tswallowthepool
water. Practice good hygiene.
• Removeallhard,sharpandlooseobjectssuchasjewelries,watches,buckles,keys,shoes,hairpin,etcfromusers
before entering the pool.
• Poolsaresubjecttowearanddeterioration.Properlymaintainyourpool.Certaintypesofexcessiveoraccelerated
deterioration can lead to pool failure. Pool failure might cause large quantities of water to release from the pool.
• Donotmodifythisproductand/oruseaccessoriesnotsuppliedbythemanufacturer.Therearenoserviceable
Depending on the size of the product, 2 or more adults are recommended for setup. Set up time may vary from 10
1. Findaat,levellawnsurfacethatisfreeandclearofstones,branchesorothersharpobjectsthatmaypuncturethe
 poollinerorcauseinjury.CertaintypesofgrasssuchasSt.AugustineandBermuda,maygrowthroughtheliner.
Grass growing through the liner it is not a manufacture defect.
may result in leaks or damage.
3. Slowly unfold the product and inspect the product for rips, tears or punctures. Do not use if the product is damaged.
4. Lay the pool out as evenly as possible and close all drain plugs and/or ex haust valve caps if any.
5. Flip the top ring out and check that it is fully outside of the wall lining and facing up. Keep the top ring centered in
the middle of the pool.
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(235IO) EN16927 SMALL EASY SET WITHOUT FITTING ENGLISH 4.875” X 6.3” 06/22/2020
6. Inatetheringwithamanualairpumpuntilthesurfaceisrmtothetouchbutnothard.
 Ifthereisanystrainingattheseams,theproductisover-inated.Ifanyseambeginstostrain,
 immediatelystoptheinationandreleaseairtoreducethepressureuntilsignsofstressontheseamare
gone.Donotover-inateorusehighpressureaircompressorsinceitmayresultinseamleaks.Important:the 
 ambienttemperaturesofairandwaterhaveaneectontheinternalpressureofthetopring.Tomaintainacorrect
internal pressure, it is best to leave some room for expansion as the sun heats the air inside the ring. During very
hot weather, you must check to see whether it is necessary to release some air. This is to avoid any possible
damage to the ring.
7. Fill the pool with no more than 1 inch (2.5cm) of water. Check to see whether the water is level.
 Important:ifthewaterinthepoolowstooneside,thepoolisnotcompletelylevel.Settingupthepoolon
unleveled ground will cause the pool to tilt resulting in the sidewall material to bulge and a potential collapse of the
 pool.Ifthepoolisnotcompletelylevel,youmustdrainthepool,leveltheareaandre-llthepool.
8. Smoothoutthebottomlinerwrinkles(frominsidethepool)bypushingoutwherethepooloorandpoolsides
9. Fillthepoolwithwateruptothebottomoftheinatedringwhichistherecommendedlllinelevel.Thepoolliner
 wallswillrisewhileyouarellingit.
• Inspectthepoolatthebeginningofeachuseforholes,leakage,wearandtearandotherdamages.
Never use a damaged pool.
• Ifapplicable,checkpins,boltsandscrewsforrust;splintersoranysharpedgesregularly,especiallyaccessible
surfaces, to avoid injuries.
1. Adultsshalldrainandstorethepool.Checklocalregulationsforspecicdirectionsregardingdisposalofswimming
pool water.
2. Remove all accessories, toys, garden hose, etc from the pool.
3. Open the drain valve cap (vary from models).
4. Carefullyopentheinationvalvecapsand/orexhaustvalvecapstodeatetheairchambers,andslowlypushthe
sidewall inward and down to speed up the drainage of the pool. Slowly lift one side of the pool to drain out the
remaining standing water.
5. Re-insert all valve caps afterwards for storage.
6. Besurepoolandallpartsarecompletelydrybeforefolding,letitsitunderthesunforanhour.
7. Fold and store the liner and accessories in a dry, clean indoor storage location. The original packing carton can be
used for storage.
Repair patch:
A repair patch has been included with the product to repair small leak and holes. Refer to the instructions on the back
of the repair patch.
For the following model number: 28103.

Specyfikacje produktu

Marka: Intex
Kategoria: Różnorodny
Model: Easy Set 183x51 - 28103

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