Instrukcja obsΕugi Inovalley PCβGAME03L
Przeczytaj poniΕΌej π instrukcjΔ obsΕugi w jΔzyku polskim dla Inovalley PCβGAME03L (6 stron) w kategorii klawiatura. Ta instrukcja byΕa pomocna dla 7 osΓ³b i zostaΕa oceniona przez 2 uΕΌytkownikΓ³w na Εrednio 4.5 gwiazdek
Strona 1/6
Ref.:ξPCβGAME03L ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ
ο¬ Pleaseξdo notξ ξexposeξtheξunitξinξtheξrainingξorξmoistξenvironmentξtoξavoidξfireξhazardξorξelectricξshock.ξ
ο¬ Onξthe theξ ξmachine shouldξnotξreceiveξ ξwaterξdropξorξthe theξwaterξsplashes,ξonξ ξmachineξcouldξnotξlayξ
object filledξ ξwithξliquid,ξlikeξvase.ξ
1. Readξthroughξtheξmanualξbeforeξoperating.ξ
2. Readξtheξinstructions.ξ
3. Followξallξinstructionsξinξtheξmanual.ξ
4. Doξnotξuseξtheξapparatusξinξplacesξthatξareξextremelyξhot,ξcold,ξdustyξorξhumid.ξ
5. Doξnotξkeepξtheξapparatus humidityξinξ ξa highξ ξ areaξsuchξasξ ξa bathroom,ξkitchenξsinkξorξpool.ξKeepξtheξ
apparatusξawayξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξfrom heaters, stoves, etc. Never leaveξtheξapparatusξinξanξareaξexposedξtoξdirectξsunlightξ
whereξthereξcouldξbeξ ξa considerableξ ξrise inξtemperature.ξ
6. Theξapparatusξshouldξnotξbeξexposedξtoξdrippingξorξsplashing,ξandξnoξobjectsξfilledξwithξliquidsξsuchξasξ
7. Doξnot be impededξblockξanyξventilationξopenings.ξTheξventilationξshouldξnotξ ξ ξ byξcoveringξtheξ
ventilationξopeningsξwithξitemsξsuchξ ξ ξ β ξ ξ ξ ξ ξas newspapers, table cloths, curtains and the like.
8. Installξtheξapparatusξinξaccordanceξwithξtheξmanufacturerβsξinstructions.ξ
9. Cleanξtheξcabinetξwithξ ξa soft slightlyξclothξ ξmoistenedξwithξ ξa mildξdetergentξsolution.ξDoξnotξuseξstrongξ
10. Doξnotξuseξattachments/accessoriesξnot manufacturerξrecommendedξbyξtheξproductξ ξ asξtheyξmayξbeξ
11. Powerβsupplyξcordsξshouldξbeξroutedξsoξthatξtheyξareξnotξlikely inξtoξbeξtrappedξ ξanyξway.ξAlsoξprotectξtheξ
powerξcordξfromξbeingξwalkedξon orξ ξpinched,ξparticularlyξatξplugs,ξconvenienceξreceptaclesξandξtheξpointersξ
where they theξ ξexistξfromξ ξapparatus.ξ
12. Thisξproductξshould beξ ξ operatedξonlyξfromξthe typeξ ξ ofξpowerξsourceξindicatedξonξtheξmarkingξlabel.ξIfξ
youξareξnot powerξsureξof ofξtheξtypeξ ξ ξ supplyξtoξyour your dealerξhome,ξconsultξ ξ productξ ξ orξlocalξpowerξ
company.ξForξ ξproducts intendedξtoξoperateξfromξbatteryξpower,ξorξotherξsources,ξreferξtoξtheξoperationξ
13. Theξmains usedξplugξisξ ξ asξdisconnectξdevice.ξTheξmainsξplugξofξapparatusξshouldξnotξbeξobstructedξORξ
should beξ ξeasilyξaccessedξduringξintendedξuse.ξToξbeξcompletelyξdisconnectingξthe theξpowerξinput,ξ ξmainsξ
plugξofξapparatusξshould beξ ξdisconnectedξfromξtheξmains.ξ
14. Anξoutsideξantennaξsystemξshouldξnotξbeξlocatedξinξtheξvicinityξofξoverheadξpower otherξlinesξorξ ξelectricξ
lightξorξpowerξcircuits,ξorξwhereξit canξ ξ fallξintoξsuchξpowerξlinesξorξcircuits.ξWhenξinstallingξanξoutsideξ
antennaξsystem,ξextremeξcareξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξshould be taken to keep from touching such powerξlinesξorξcircuitsξasξcontactξ
15. Ifξtheξapparatusξisξnotξusedξforξ ξa periodξofξtime,ξunplugξtheξpowerξcord.ξ ξ
16. Ifξtheξremoteξcontrolξunitξisξnotξusedξforξ ξa periodξofξtime,ξremoveξbatteriesξfromξtheξremoteξcontrolξunitξ
andξstoreξthemξinξ ξa coolξdryξarea.ξ
17. Ifξitξisξlightening,ξunplugξtheξpowerξcordξtoξprevent fromξtheξunitξ ξunnecessaryξdamages.ξ
18. Thisξproductξshould beξ ξmovedξwithξcareξtoξavoidξdamageξorξinjury.ξ ξ
19. Neverξtryξtoξdisassembleξbatteries.ξNeitherξputξbatteriesξunderξtheξdirectξsunlightξnorξthrowξthemξintoξ
fireξorξheater. allξAsξ ξofξtheseξmayξcauseξunnecessaryξdamagesξtoξyou.ξ
20. Referξallξservicingξtoξqualifiedξserviceξpersonnel.ξServicingξrequiredξwhenξtheξapparatus notξdoesξ ξoperateξ
normallyξorξhasξbeenξdamagedξinξany theξwayξsuchξasξ ξpowerξcordξorξplugξis spilledξdamaged,ξliquidsξ ξintoξtheξ
apparatus,ξanyξhardξobjectξ ξ ξ ξfallen on the apparatus, the theξ ξapparatusξhasξbeenξdropped,ξ ξapparatusξhasξbeenξ
21. Theξmarkingξinformationξisξlocated apparatus.ξatξtheξbackξofξtheξ ξ
22. Minimumξdistanceξ ξ5 cmξaroundξtheξapparatusξ ξ ξfor sufficient ventilationsξ ξ
23. Doξnotξplaceξanyξflameξsourcesξsuchξlightedξcandlesξonξtopξofξtheξapparatus.ξ
24. Attentionsξshouldξbeξdrawnξtoξtheξenvironmentalξaspectsξofξbatteriesξdisposal.ξ
25. Useξtheξapparatusξinξmoderateξclimates.ξ
1.ξChooseξunitξinstallationξlocationξcarefully. inξAvoidξplacingξitξ ξdirectξsunlightξorξcloseξtoξ ξa sourceξofξheat.ξAlsoξ
avoidξlocationsξsubjectξtoξvibrationsξandξexcessiveξdust,ξcoldξorξmoisture.ξKeepξawayξfromξsourcesξthatξ ξhum,
2.ξDoξnotξopenξtheξcabinetξasξthisξmightξresultξ ξin damageξtoξtheξcircuitryξorξelectrical aξshock.ξIfξ ξforeignξobjectξ
3.ξWhenξremovingξthe the outlet,ξpowerξplugξfromξ ξwallξ ξalwaysξpullξdirectly plug,ξonξtheξ ξneverξpullξtheξcord.ξ
4.ξDoξnotξattemptξtoξcleanξtheξunit damageξwithξchemicalξsolventsξasξthisξmightξ ξ theξfinish.ξUseξ ξa clean,ξdryξ
5.ξInξorderξto toξ ξshut offξtheξpowerξ ξthisξproductξcompletely,ξunplugξthe theξpowerξcordξfromξ ξwallξoutlet.ξBeξ
sureξtoξunplug doξtheξunitξifξyouξ ξ notξintend itξtoξuseξ ξ forξanξextendedξperiod onξofξtime,ξsuchξasξwhileξ ξ
vacation.ξ ξ
ο· Theξuse mouse input seriousξofξ ξa joystick,ξkeyboard,ξ ξorξotherξelectronicξ ξdeviceξmayξcauseξ ξphysicalξissuesξorξ
ο· Asξwithξmany activities,ξotherξ ξworkingξonξ ξa PCξmayξgenerateξoccasionalξdiscomfort arms,ξinξyourξhands,ξ ξ
shoulders,ξneckξorξotherξpartsξofξyourξbody.ξ ξ
ο· However,ξ ξif symptomsξofξdiscomfort,ξpain, painsξtwitch,ξtingling,ξnumbness,ξburningξorξachesξandξ ξ persist,ξ
DOξNOTξignoreξthem:ξSEEξ ξA PHYSICIANξQUICKLY,ξevenξ ξif symptomsξappearξwhenξyou yourξareξnotξusingξ ξPC.ξ
ο· Suchξsymptomsξcanξbeξlinkedξtoξserious,ξsometimesξpermanent,ξlesions,ξnervousξand disordersξmuscularξ ξorξ
disordersξof ofξtendonsξorξ ξother partsξ ξ theξbody.ξTheseξmusculoskeletalξdisordersξinclude, amongξ ξ others,ξ
carpalξtunnelξsyndrome, tendonitisξ ξandξtenosynovitis.ξ
ο· Theξcurrentξstateξofξresearchξhave no byξ ξ answerξtoξallξtheξquestionsξraisedξ ξ theseξdisorders;ξhowever,ξ
specialistsξagree andξonξtheξmanyξfactorsξ ξrelated toξtheirξappearance:ξhealthξ ξphysicalξcondition,ξstressξandξ
attitudeξtoξstress,ξgeneralξstate,ξbadξpostures habits,ξandξworkξ ξbutξalsoξotherξactivitiesξ(includingξtheξuseξofξ
a aξkeyboardξorξmouse).ξTheξlengthξofξtimeξdevotedξtoξ ξgivenξactivityξmayξalsoξplayξ ξa role.ξ
ο· Consult out fitnessξyourξdoctorξtoξfindξ ξ whether activities,ξyourξ ξ workξhabits,ξhealthξorξ ξ can causeξ ξ
ο· Forξ ξa smallξpercentageξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξof people, exposure to certain lights or blinking patterns which appear sometimesξ ξin
videoξgamesξmayξgenerateξ ξa photosensitivityβrelated seizure, inξ ξevenξ ξpeopleξwithξnoξpreviousξepilepsy.ξ
ο· Symptoms may dizziness,ξofξtheseξseizuresξ ξvaryξandξusuallyξ ξinclude ξimpairedξvision,ξconvulsiveξeyeξorξfacialξ
movements,ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξtightness or trembling of the arms or legs, disorientation,ξconfusionξorξtemporaryξlossξofξ
consciousness.ξ ξ
ο· Theseξ ξunconsciousness orξconvulsionsξcanξleadξ ξto injuriesξfromξfalling groundξtoξtheξ ξ orξhittingξnearbyξ
ο· Ifξyouξexperienceξsuchξsymptoms,ξstopξimmediatelyξtheξgameξandξconsultξ ξa doctor.ξ
ο· Parentsξmust above.ξmonitorξtheirξchildrenξor describedξaskξthem theξ ξif theyξfeelξanyξofξ ξsymptomsξ ξ ξChildrenξ
and sensibleξadolescentsξareξmoreξ ξtoξtheseξattacksξthanξadults.ξ
Toξlessenξtheξ ξrisk ofξ ξa photosensitiveξseizure,ξplease:ξ
ο· SitξfarξfromξtheξTVξscreen;ξ
ο· Useξ ξa smallξTVξscreen;ξ
ο· Useξ ξ ξ ξit in a wellβ ξlit room;ξ
ο· Avoidξplayingξ ξif youξfeelξsleepyξorξtired.ξ
ο· Ifξyouξorξ ξa familyξmemberξhasξ ξa historyξofξepilepsy,ξconsultξ ξa doctorξbeforeξplaying.ξ
ο· Doξnotξcarryξoutξ ξrepairs yourself.ξ
ο· Doξnotξattemptξtoξdisassemble, powerξopen,ξrepairξor orξ ξmodify theξdeviceξ ξ ξits ξsource,ξasξthisξmayξresultξinξ
electricξshock hazards.ξorξotherξ ξ ξ
Specyfikacje produktu
Marka: | Inovalley |
Kategoria: | klawiatura |
Model: | PCβGAME03L |
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Instrukcje klawiatura Inovalley
29 WrzeΕnia 2024
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