Instrukcja obsล‚ugi Infantino Zip

Przeczytaj poniลผej ๐Ÿ“– instrukcjฤ™ obsล‚ugi w jฤ™zyku polskim dla Infantino Zip (6 stron) w kategorii Fotel bujany dla dziecka. Ta instrukcja byล‚a pomocna dla 6 osรณb i zostaล‚a oceniona przez 2 uลผytkownikรณw na ล›rednio 4.5 gwiazdek

Strona 1/6
Zipโ„ข Travel Carrier
Owners Manual
This box contains: 1 - Carrier
12lbs - 40lbs (5.4kgs - 18.1kgs)
Instruction manual available in additional languages at:
Manuel disponible en franรงais chez:
Manual disponible en espaรฑol en:
Read all instructions before assembling and using your carrier. Failure to follow
each instruction can result in serious injury or death to your baby. Keep instructions
and review them before attempting new carrying positions.
FALL HAZARD - Infants can fall through a wide leg opening or out of carrier.
๎€ƒ โ€ข๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒAdjust๎€ƒleg๎€ƒopenings๎€ƒto๎€ƒ๎‚ฟt๎€ƒbabyโ€™s๎€ƒlegs๎€ƒsnugly.
๎€ƒ โ€ข๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒBefore๎€ƒeach๎€ƒuse,๎€ƒmake๎€ƒsure๎€ƒall๎€ƒfasteners๎€ƒare๎€ƒsecure.
๎€ƒ โ€ข๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒTake๎€ƒspecial๎€ƒcare๎€ƒwhen๎€ƒleaning๎€ƒor๎€ƒwalking.
๎€ƒ โ€ข๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒNever๎€ƒbend๎€ƒat๎€ƒwaist;๎€ƒbend๎€ƒat๎€ƒknees.
๎€ƒ โ€ข๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒOnly๎€ƒuse๎€ƒthis๎€ƒcarrier๎€ƒfor๎€ƒbabies๎€ƒbetween๎€ƒ12๎€ƒlbs๎€ƒ(5.4๎€ƒkgs)๎€ƒand๎€ƒ40๎€ƒlbs๎€ƒ(18.1๎€ƒkgs).
SUFFOCATION HAZARD๎€ƒ-๎€ƒInfants๎€ƒunder๎€ƒ4๎€ƒmonths๎€ƒcan๎€ƒsuffocate๎€ƒ
in this product if face is pressed tight against your body.
๎€ƒ โ€ข๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒDo๎€ƒnot๎€ƒstrap๎€ƒinfant๎€ƒtoo๎€ƒtight๎€ƒagainst๎€ƒyour๎€ƒbody.
๎€ƒ โ€ข๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒAllow๎€ƒroom๎€ƒfor๎€ƒhead๎€ƒmovement.
๎€ƒ โ€ข๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒKeep๎€ƒinfantโ€™s๎€ƒface๎€ƒfree๎€ƒfrom๎€ƒobstructions๎€ƒat๎€ƒall๎€ƒtimes.
โ€ข๎€ƒ Follow๎€ƒinstructions๎€ƒfor๎€ƒuse.๎€ƒ๎€ƒWhen๎€ƒfastening๎€ƒthe๎€ƒcarrier,๎€ƒkeep๎€ƒone๎€ƒhand๎€ƒon๎€ƒbaby๎€ƒat๎€ƒall๎€ƒtimes.๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ
โ€ข๎€ƒ This๎€ƒcarrier๎€ƒis๎€ƒNOT๎€ƒintended๎€ƒto๎€ƒbe๎€ƒused๎€ƒfor๎€ƒBaby๎€ƒFacing๎€ƒOut๎€ƒPosition.๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ
โ€ข๎€ƒ Baby๎€ƒmust๎€ƒbe๎€ƒable๎€ƒto๎€ƒsit๎€ƒup๎€ƒon๎€ƒhis๎€ƒor๎€ƒher๎€ƒown๎€ƒbefore๎€ƒbeing๎€ƒworn๎€ƒin๎€ƒthe๎€ƒBack๎€ƒCarry๎€ƒPosition๎€ƒto๎€ƒavoid๎€ƒ
โ€ข๎€ƒ Premature๎€ƒinfants,๎€ƒinfants๎€ƒwith๎€ƒrespiratory๎€ƒproblems,๎€ƒand๎€ƒinfants๎€ƒunder๎€ƒ4๎€ƒmonths๎€ƒare๎€ƒat๎€ƒgreatest๎€ƒrisk๎€ƒof๎€ƒ
โ€ข๎€ƒ Babyโ€™s๎€ƒface๎€ƒshould๎€ƒalways๎€ƒbe๎€ƒvisible๎€ƒand๎€ƒfree๎€ƒfrom๎€ƒobstructions.
โ€ข๎€ƒ Be๎€ƒaware๎€ƒof๎€ƒyour๎€ƒsurroundings.๎€ƒ๎€ƒAvoid๎€ƒany๎€ƒpotential๎€ƒhazards๎€ƒor๎€ƒobstructions๎€ƒwhen๎€ƒputting๎€ƒbaby๎€ƒin๎€ƒthe๎€ƒ
carrier and when removing baby from the carrier.
โ€ข๎€ƒ NEVER๎€ƒuse๎€ƒa๎€ƒsoft๎€ƒcarrier๎€ƒwhen๎€ƒbalance๎€ƒor๎€ƒmobility๎€ƒis๎€ƒimpaired๎€ƒbecause๎€ƒof๎€ƒexercise,๎€ƒsporting๎€ƒactivities,๎€ƒ
โ€ข๎€ƒ Your balance may be adversely affected by your movement and that of your baby.
โ€ข๎€ƒ Never๎€ƒuse๎€ƒa๎€ƒsoft๎€ƒcarrier๎€ƒwhile๎€ƒengaging๎€ƒin๎€ƒactivities๎€ƒsuch๎€ƒas๎€ƒcooking๎€ƒand๎€ƒcleaning๎€ƒwhich๎€ƒinvolve๎€ƒa๎€ƒ
this carrier.
โ€ข๎€ƒ Never๎€ƒwear๎€ƒa๎€ƒsoft๎€ƒcarrier๎€ƒwhile๎€ƒdriving๎€ƒor๎€ƒbeing๎€ƒa๎€ƒpassenger๎€ƒin๎€ƒa๎€ƒmotor๎€ƒvehicle.๎€ƒ๎€ƒDO๎€ƒNOT๎€ƒuse๎€ƒthis๎€ƒ
the event of a crash.
โ€ข๎€ƒ NEVER๎€ƒleave๎€ƒbaby๎€ƒunattended๎€ƒin๎€ƒthis๎€ƒcarrier.๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ
โ€ข๎€ƒ ALWAYS๎€ƒcheck๎€ƒto๎€ƒensure๎€ƒthat๎€ƒall๎€ƒbuckles,๎€ƒsnaps,๎€ƒstraps,๎€ƒand๎€ƒadjustments๎€ƒare๎€ƒsecure๎€ƒbefore๎€ƒeach๎€ƒ
โ€ข๎€ƒ This๎€ƒproduct๎€ƒis๎€ƒsubject๎€ƒto๎€ƒwear๎€ƒand๎€ƒtear๎€ƒover๎€ƒtime.๎€ƒCheck๎€ƒfor๎€ƒripped๎€ƒseams,๎€ƒtorn๎€ƒstraps๎€ƒor๎€ƒfabric๎€ƒand๎€ƒ
damaged fasteners before each use.
โ€ข๎€ƒ DO๎€ƒNOT๎€ƒuse๎€ƒthis๎€ƒproduct๎€ƒif๎€ƒdeterioration๎€ƒor๎€ƒproblems๎€ƒare๎€ƒdetected.
โ€ข๎€ƒ NEVER๎€ƒlean๎€ƒagainst๎€ƒbaby.
โ€ข๎€ƒ NEVER๎€ƒplace๎€ƒmore๎€ƒthan๎€ƒone๎€ƒchild๎€ƒin๎€ƒthis๎€ƒcarrier.
โ€ข๎€ƒ DO๎€ƒNOT๎€ƒwear๎€ƒmore๎€ƒthan๎€ƒone๎€ƒcarrier๎€ƒat๎€ƒa๎€ƒtime,๎€ƒever.
โ€ข๎€ƒ DO๎€ƒNOT๎€ƒuse๎€ƒin๎€ƒshowers,๎€ƒpools,๎€ƒor๎€ƒany๎€ƒwater๎€ƒenvironments.
Helpful Hints:
โ€ข๎€ƒThe๎€ƒZipโ„ข๎€ƒTravel๎€ƒCarrier๎€ƒis designed for greater comfort for both you and your child.
The strap system distributes babyโ€™s weight to make carrying more comfortable for you
and baby, letting baby ride in a natural seated position.
โ€ข๎€ƒFront๎€ƒCarry๎€ƒPosition๎€ƒ- Until your child is able tofully sit upright on their own, this is the
correct position. In this position, you can entertain your baby and bond with them while
still having your hands free.
โ€ข๎€ƒHow do you know if your baby is at the right height when worn in the front? - You should
be able to tilt forward slightly and kiss the top of your childโ€™s head.
โ€ข๎€ƒWhen placing your baby in or taking them out of the carrier, sitting down will make the
process easier. Until you are familiar with the placement of baby, it is also recommended
to do so over a soft surface.
โ€ข๎€ƒIt is best to limit the use of your carrier to 10-20 minutes until you and your baby are both
completely comfortable in it together.
โ€ข๎€ƒBack๎€ƒCarry๎€ƒPosition๎€ƒ- When your little one can fully sit up on their own, you also have
the option of carrying them on your back. This position allows your baby to have the
best of both worlds - to be carried by you, but also be free to check out what is going on
around them.
โ€ข๎€ƒWearing the carrier closer to your body and higher up on your back (or chest when worn
in the front position) will minimize stress to your back and shoulders from prolonged use.
Care Instructions:
โ€ข๎€ƒMachine wash cold, separately, on gentle cycle with mild detergent. DO NOT bleach.
Wipe clean with cloth or sponge between machine washings. Drip dry. DO NOT iron.
Do not dry clean.
Carrier Body Front:
Refer to these parts when reading the instructions.
Carrier Body Back:
Waist Belt
Head Support
Head Support
Adjuster Shoulder Straps
Side Closure
Waist Belt
& Buckle
Shoulder Strap
Back/Chest Strap
Height Adjustment
Strap & Buckle
Leg Opening
1 Carrier use for an Infant: Front Carry Position
* Your baby should always be comfortable. If your baby is fussy it could be an indication
that he or she is not properly positioned. If this occurs, take your baby out immediately and
* We recommend having another adult assist you if this is your ๎‚ฟrst time using this type of
* Baby must be carried in the Front Carry Position until baby is able to sit up on his or her
* Support baby securely throughout the process of putting baby in the carrier, until all the
buckles and straps are properly fastened and adjusted.
* When using this carrier in the Front Carry Position, you should ๎‚ฟt it to the user before placing
the baby in the carrier.
* NOTE: The carrier parts in can be found on the carrier illustrations.bold
1.๎€ƒ Zip open the Waist๎€ƒBelt๎€ƒPocket and unfold the
carrier body.
2.๎€ƒ Unfasten the and Back/Chest๎€ƒBuckle Waist๎€ƒ
Belt๎€ƒBuckle. Hold the carrier so the interior of the
Shoulder๎€ƒStraps Waist๎€ƒBelt and face you. (The
straps should form a โ€œVโ€.)
3.๎€ƒ Place your arms through the Shoulder๎€ƒStraps
making sure the gray interior fabric rests on your
shoulders. The carrier should be hanging down in
front of you, with the and Side๎€ƒClosure๎€ƒBuckles
Head๎€ƒSupport๎€ƒBuckles open.
6.๎€ƒ Fasten the Waist๎€ƒBelt around your waist and pull the
Webbing to tighten.
4.๎€ƒ With the in place, reach behind Shoulder๎€ƒStraps
your back to connect the . If you ๎€ƒBack/Chest๎€ƒBuckle
need assistance, have another person fasten the
5.๎€ƒ Pull the webbing on the to tighten. Back/Chest๎€ƒStrap
The should be wide and the Shoulder๎€ƒStraps Back/
Chest๎€ƒStrap should be straight across your back.
*NOTE: The height of the can be Back/Chest Strap
adjusted by opening the Height Adjustment Snaps
and sliding the to the desired height. Back/Chest Strap
Fasten all the .The strap Height Adjustment Snaps
should lay in a comfortable position on your upper back.
*NOTE: People with longer torsos may ๎‚ฟnd a higher belt
position more comfortable (closer to the navel); shorter
people may wish to wear the belt more on the hips.

Specyfikacje produktu

Marka: Infantino
Kategoria: Fotel bujany dla dziecka
Model: Zip

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