Instrukcja obs艂ugi Pyle PSWGM64S

Przeczytaj poni偶ej 馃摉 instrukcj臋 obs艂ugi w j臋zyku polskim dla Pyle PSWGM64S (12 stron) w kategorii zegarek sportowy. Ta instrukcja by艂a pomocna dla 3 os贸b i zosta艂a oceniona przez 2 u偶ytkownik贸w na 艣rednio 4.5 gwiazdek

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1.0 Introducti on 3.0 Major Functi on Modes
2.0 Button and its Functi on
+Thank you fo r pur chasin g of t his Wa tch.
+his Watc h
chron o graph ,
+In addit i on to no rma l ti m ekee p ing func t ion, this
Watc h inclu d es two spec i al feat ures, t he y are p acer
watch and multi-t i mer f unction .
multi -
timer whi ch combine s two or m ore tim ers to gether
to ext e nd the ti me fun ction to measu re multi -phase
elaps e time .
+Be su r e to care fully re ad this m anua l and kee p it
on ha nd for later r efere n ce w he n nec essar y.
+To ge t the m ost of y our pur chase , i
+Watc h
+ccas i o nally
+Store t he Wa tc h in a dry place wh en it is not in use
for a lo ng time .
T pr o vide s cu rren t ti me , d a ily alarm ,
count d own ti mer, p a cer an d dual ti m e
funct i on.
t is ad visabl e to
use t his wat ch in c onfor mity with th e below note s:
Avoid e xpos in g the to the extrem e con dition s
for a n unrea sonabl e tim e.
Avoid rough uses or severe impacts to the .
Do not open the case unless a certif ie d
servic e age ncy.
Clea n the Watch o with a soft and
mois te ned c loth.
The P acer Wa tch whi ch comb ines t he chro nograph
and t he pac er func tion to g ethe r, henc e two f uncti ons
can b e activa ted a t the s a me t im e. W hile t h e
Mode Button [M]
+To sel ect among t he Curr ent Tim e, Dail y Alarm ,
Pace r, Chron ograp h, Timer and D ual Ti me Mod e.
+To sel ect set ti ng display.
Start/ Stop Bu tton [S/S]
+To se lect am ong th e set ti ng ite ms du ri ng set ting
displa y.
+To swi tch bet ween 12 and 2 4 hour f ormat .
+To acti vate the 'sta rt' or 's top' fun ction d uring
Chro nograp h Mod e and Ti mer M ode.
Lap/Reset B utto n [L/R ]
+To view and acti v ate 'lap' or 'res et' functi on
during Chrono graph Mode .
+To select betwee n diffe rent timer disp lays. To
load or clear t he star ti ng valu e for th e tim er(s).
+To act iv ate the 'start' or 'stop ' Pacer fun ction
during Pacer mode.
+To set th e hou rly chi me func tion O N or OFF.
+To inc rease the digits durin g set ti ng disp lay.
EL Bu tton [E L]
+To tur n on t he EL b ack lig ht for a bout 3 s econds .
NOTE : The m ajor k ey operations are s um mar iz ed
on th e above p aragra phs, h owever pleas e read t he
comi ng chap te rs for t he deta il opera tions.
4.0 Current Time Mode - Current Time Display
Curr ent Time Disp lay
+When t he Cur rent Tim e Mode i s selec ted, the
Watch will sh ow the follow ing items on the
displa y:
+The d ay of w eek a nd date of the curren t tim e
are e xhibited on the 1 st row of the displa y.
+The curr ent time (hou r, minute, se c ond) is
exhibi ted on the 2n d row of the d is play.
How t o Swi tch b etween 12 and 24 hou r for mat
+To swit ch betwe en 12 a nd 24 ho ur for mat, pr ess
the [S/ S] butt on follow ing t he adjac ent d iagram .
How to Switc h between Month- day and day-
mont h format
+To switch betwe en mont h-day and day- mont h
format , hold d own the [S/S ] butto n followi ng th e
adjace nt diag ram.
To S et the H ourly Chime O N/OF F
+To set th e hourly chime be twee n ON or OF F,
press the [L /R ] button follo wing the adjacen t
diagra m.
+When t he chim e indi cator ' ' is a ppeare d on the
displa y, the chim e is ON. Dur ing the hou rly
chim e is ON , the Watch w ill sou nd 'beep beep '
every h our on the ho ur (e.g 1 :00 00, 2:00 00,
3:00 00 )
in d ic at or
da t e
(mont h, day )
da t e
(day, month )
day o f
cu rrent
ti m e
[S / S]
hold [S /S ]
[L / R]
24 h o ur s Di sp la y
12 h o ur s Di sp la y
Chi me OFF
12 h o ur s Di sp la y
Chi me OFF
Hourl y chim e ON
ch i me
in d ic at or
[EL ] [S/ S]
[L /R][M]
Current T im e Mo de Daily Al arm Mo de
Pa c er M od e
Chron og raph M od eCount do wn T im er M od e
Dual Tim e Mod e
[M ]
[M ]
[M ]
[M ]
[M ]
[M ]

Specyfikacje produktu

Marka: Pyle
Kategoria: zegarek sportowy
Model: PSWGM64S
Kolor produktu: Czarny, Srebrny
Waga produktu: 163 g
Bluetooth: Nie
Minutnik: Tak
Ekran dotykowy: Nie
Pod艣wietlenie: Tak
Pozycjonowanie na rynku: Zegarek sportowy
Alarm: Tak
Stoper: Tak
Tryb zegarka: 12 h/24 h
Cechy zabiezpiecze艅: Wodoodporny
Wbudowana metr贸wka: Nie
Zalecana aktywno艣膰: Fitness
Historia okr膮偶e艅: 50
Pas piersiowy: Nie
Funkcja Virtual Pacer: Tak

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