Instrukcja obsługi Philips Respironics DreamStation Auto CPAP

Philips Niesklasyfikowane Respironics DreamStation Auto CPAP

Przeczytaj poniżej 📖 instrukcję obsługi w języku polskim dla Philips Respironics DreamStation Auto CPAP (32 stron) w kategorii Niesklasyfikowane. Ta instrukcja była pomocna dla 16 osób i została oceniona przez 2 użytkowników na średnio 4.5 gwiazdek

Strona 1/32
User manual
DreamStation CPAP
DreamStation CPAP Pro
DreamStation Auto CPAP
© 2015 Koninklijke Philips N.V. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Intended Use ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
Important ................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Warnings .................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Cautions ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Contraindications .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Symbol Key ..............................................................................................................................................................3
System Contents .................................................................................................................................................... 3
How to Contact Philips Respironics ................................................................................................................. 3
System Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Installing/Replacing the Air Filters ......................................................................................................................5
Where to Place the Device .................................................................................................................................6
Supplying AC Power to the Device .................................................................................................................... 6
Connecting the Breathing Circuit ...................................................................................................................... 7
Navigating the Device Screens ............................................................................................................................8
Starting the Device ................................................................................................................................................8
Menu Navigation (Therapy ON) and Optional Humidication Settings ...................................................9
Ramp Feature .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Menu Navigation (Therapy OFF) ......................................................................................................................10
Bluetooth® Wireless Technology .........................................................................................................................14
Check Mask Fit .....................................................................................................................................................15
Sleep Progress ......................................................................................................................................................15
Altitude Compensation ......................................................................................................................................15
Device Alerts ........................................................................................................................................................16
Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................................................................20
Accessories ...........................................................................................................................................................22
Traveling with the System ..................................................................................................................................23
Cleaning the Device ............................................................................................................................................24
Cleaning or Replacing the Filters .....................................................................................................................24
Cleaning the Tubing ..............................................................................................................................................24
Service ....................................................................................................................................................................24
Additional Notices ...............................................................................................................................................25
Specications ........................................................................................................................................................26
Disposal ..................................................................................................................................................................27
EMC Information .................................................................................................................................................27
Limited Warranty ...................................................................................................................................Back Page
1User Manual
Caution: U. S. federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
Intended Use
The Philips Respironics DreamStation systems deliver positive airway pressure therapy for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in
spontaneously breathing patients weighing over 30 kg (66 lbs). It is for use in the home or hospital/institutional environment.
The device is to be used only on the instruction of a licensed physician. Your home care provider will make the correct pressure
settings and device congurations including accessories according to your health care proessionals prescription
Several accessories are available to make your OSA treatment with the DreamStation system as convenient and comfortable as
possile To ensure that you receive the sae eective therapy prescried or you use only hilips espironics accessories
A warning indicates the possibility of injury to the user or the operator.
This manual serves as a reerence The instructions in this manual are not intended to supersede the health care proessionals
instructions regarding the use of the device.
The operator should read and understand this entire manual eore using the device
This device is not intended or lie support
ended y hilips espironics or ith those recommended y the The device should e used only ith mass and connectors recomm
health care professional or respiratory therapist. A mask should not be used unless the device is turned on and operating properly.
The exhalation port(s) associated with the mask should never be blocked. The device is intended Explanation of the Warning:
to e used ith special mass or connectors that have ehalation ports to allo continuouso o air out o the mas hen
the device is turned on and unctioning properly ne air rom the device ushes the ehaled air out through the mas ehalation
port Hoever hen the device is not operating enough resh air ill not e provided through the mas and ehaled air may e
rebreathed. Rebreathing of exhaled air for longer than several minutes can in some circumstances lead to suffocation.
 you are using a ull ace mas (a mas covering oth your mouth and your nose) the mas must e euipped ith a saety
(entrainment) valve.
hen using oygen ith this system the oygen supply must comply ith local regulations or medical oygen
Oygen supports comustion Oygen should not e used hile smoing or in the presence o an open ame
hen using oygen ith this system turn the device on eore turning on the oygen Turn the oygen o eore turning the
device off. This will prevent oxygen accumulation in the device. Explanation of the Warning: hen the device is not in
operation and the oygen o is let on oygen delivered into the tuing may accumulate ithin the devices enclosure Oygen
accumulated in the device enclosure ill create a ris o re
hen using oygen ith this system a hilips espironics ressure alve must e placed inline ith the patient circuit eteen
the device and the oygen source The pressure valve helps prevent the aco o oygen rom the patient circuit into the
device hen the unit is o ailure to use the pressure valve could result in a re haard
o not connect the device to an unregulated or high pressure oygen source
o not use the device in the presence o a ammale anaesthetic miture in comination ith oygen or air or in the presence
of nitrous oxide.
o not use the device near a source o toic or harmul vapors
  ( )  the device is used at room temperaturesarmer o not use this device i the room temperature is armer than 
than ( ) the temperature o the airo may eceed   ( ) This could cause irritation or inury to your airay
o not operate the device in direct sunlight or near a heating appliance ecause these conditions can increase the temperature o
the air coming out of the device.
ontact your health care proessional i symptoms o sleep apnea recur
 you notice any uneplained changes in the perormance o this device i it is maing unusual or harsh sounds i it has een
dropped or mishandled i ater is spilled into the enclosure or i the enclosure is roen disconnect the poer cord and
discontinue use ontact your home care provider
epairs and adustments must e perormed y hilips espironicsauthoried service personnel only nauthoried service could
cause inury invalidate the arranty or result in costly damage
o not use any accessories detachale parts and materials not recommended y hilips espironics ncompatile parts or
accessories can result in degraded performance.
se only approved cales and accessories Misuse may aect M perormance and should e avoided
The Health ndustry Manuacturers ssociation recommends that a minimum separation o si inches e maintained eteen
a ireless phone and a pacemaer to avoid potential intererence ith the pacemaer The reamStation onoard Bluetooth
communication should be considered a wireless phone in this regard.
ay cause se only poer cords supplied y hilips espironics or this devicese opoer cords not suppliedy hilips espironics m
overheating or damage to the device and may result in increased emissions or decreased immunity o the euipment or system
The device should not e used hile staced or in close approimation to other nonapproved devices
o not pull or stretch the tuing This could result in circuit leas
2User Manual
nspect the tuing or damage or ear iscard and replace the tuing as necessary
eriodically inspect electrical cords and cales or damage or signs o ear iscontinue use and replace i damaged
To avoid electrical shoc alays unplug the poer cord rom the all outlet eore cleaning the device O NOT immerse the
device in any uids
 the device is used y multiple persons (such as rental devices) a loresistance main o acteria lter should e installed in
line between the device and the circuit tubing to prevent contamination.
e sure to route the poer cord to the outlet in a ay that ill prevent the cord rom eing tripped over or interered ith y
chairs or other furniture.
This device is activated hen the poer cord is connected
or sae operation hen using a humidier the humidier must alays e positioned elo the reathing circuit connection at
the mas The humidier must e level or proper operation
Note: lease see the imited arranty section o this manual or inormation on arranty coverage
A Caution indicates the possibility of damage to the device.
Medical electrical euipment needs special precautions regarding M and needs to e installed according to M inormation
ontact your home care provider regarding M installation inormation
Moile  communications euipment can aect medical electrical euipment
ins o connectors mared ith the S arning symol shall not e touched and connections shall not e made ithout
special precautions recautionary procedures include methods to prevent uildup o electrostatic charge (eg air conditioning
humidication conductive oor coverings nonsynthetic clothing) discharging ones ody to the rame o the euipment or
system or to earth. It is recommended that all individuals that will handle this device understand these precautionary procedures
at a minimum as part of their training.
ss door and the modem access door are oth closed henever any eore operating the device ensure that the S cardlter acce
o the accessories such as the in Module or Modem are not installed eer to the instructions that came ith your accessory
ondensation may damage the device  this device has een eposed to either very hot or very cold temperatures allo it to
adust to room temperature (operating temperature) eore starting therapy o not operate the device outside o the operating
temperature range shon in the Specications
o not use etension cords ith this device
Mae sure the lter area on the side o the device is not loced y edding curtains or other items ir must o reely around
the device for the system to work properly.
o not place the device directly onto carpet aric or other ammale materials
o not place the device in or on any container that can collect or hold ater
 properly installed undamaged hilips espironics lue pollen lter is reuired or proper operation
Toacco smoe may cause tar uildup ithin the device hich may result in the device malunctioning
irty inlet lters may cause high operating temperatures that may aect device perormance egularly eamine the inlet lters as
needed for integrity and cleanliness.
Never install a et lter into the device ou must ensure sucient drying time or the cleaned lter
lays ensure that the  poer cord securely ts into your therapy device prior to use ontact your home care provider or
hilips espironics to determine i you have the appropriate  cord or your specic therapy device
hen  poer is otained rom a vehicle attery the device should not e used hile the vehicles engine is running amage
to the device may occur.
Only use a hilips espironicsoerord andattery dapteralese o any other system may cause damage to the device
hen assessing the relative riss and enets o using this euipment the clinician should understand that this device can deliver
pressures up to 20 cm H2O n the event o certain ault conditions a maimum pressure o  cm H2O is possible. Studies have
shon that the olloing preeisting conditions may contraindicate the use o  therapy or some patients
ullous ung isease
athologically o lood ressure
ypassed pper iray
neumocephalus has een reported in a patient using nasal ontinuous ositive iray ressure aution should e used hen
prescriing  or susceptile patients such as those ith cereral spinal uid (S) leas anormalities o the cririorm
plate prior history o head trauma andor pneumocephalus (hest  )
The use of positive airway pressure therapy may be temporarily contraindicated if you exhibit signs of a sinus or middle ear
inection Not or use ith patients hose upper airays are ypassed ontact your health care proessional i you have any
uestions concerning your therapy
3User Manual
Symbol Key
The olloing symols may appear on the device poer supply and accessories
Symbol Symbolenition enition
onsult accompanying instructions or
or irline seomplies ith TO
 section category M
 oer
Separate collection for electrical and
electronic euipment per  irective
 oer Bluetooth® symbol
IP22 rip roo uipment This device contains an RF transmitter.
aution consult accompanying
documents. Oimeter onnection
S arning symol Serial onnection
lass  (oule nsulated) Avoid ultraviolet radiation
Type  pplied art
aution  S ederal la restricts this
device to sale by or on the order of a
For Indoor Use Only. Do not disassemble.
System Contents
our reamStation system may include the olloing items
 evice  S card
 ser manual  leile tuing
 arrying case  eusale lue pollen lter
 oer cord  isposale lightlue ultrane lter (optional)
 oer supply ( )  Humidier (optional)
Note:  any o these items are missing contact your home care provider
How to Contact Philips Respironics
Should you eperience troule ith this euipment or reuire assistance setting up using or maintaining the device
or accessories please contact your home care provider  you need to contact hilips espironics directly call
the hilips espironics ustomer Service department at  or  ou can also use the
olloing address
espironics nc
 Murry idge ane
Murrysville  
User Manual
Installing/Replacing the Air Filters
Caution:  properly installed undamaged hilips espironics lue pollen lter is reuired or proper operation
The device uses a lue pollen lter that is ashale and reusale and a lightlue ultrane lter that is disposale
The reusale lue lter screens out normal household dust and pollens hile the lightlue ultrane lter provides
more complete ltration o very ne particles The reusale lue lter must e in place at all times hen the device is
operating The ultrane lter is recommended or people ho are sensitive to toacco smoe or other small particles
The reusale lue lter is supplied ith the device  disposale lightlue ultrane lter may also e included  your
lter is not already installed hen you receive your device you must at least install the reusale lter eore using the
This device has an automatic air lter reminder very  days the device ill display a message reminding you to
chec your lters and replace them as directed
Note: This message is a reminder only The device does not detect the perormance o the lters nor does it
recognie hen a lter has een cleaned or replaced
 it up on the lter access door and sing open  replacing pull out the old lter assemly
  applicale place a clean reusale lue pollen lter () on top o a ne optional disposale lightlue ultrane
lter () and rmly snap them together
 lace the ne lter assemly ac in the side o the therapy device Sing the door closed
6User Manual
Where to Place the Device
lace the device on a rm at surace somehere ithin easy reach o here you ill use it at a level loer than
your sleeping position Mae sure the device is aay rom any heating or cooling euipment (eg orced air vents
radiators air conditioners)
Note: hen positioning the device mae sure that the poer cale is accessile ecause removing poer is the
only way to turn off the device.
Caution: Mae sure the lter area on the side o the device is not loced y edding curtains or other items
ir must o reely around the device or the system to or properly
Caution: o not place the device directly onto carpet aric or other ammale materials
Caution: Do not place the device in or on any container that can collect or hold water.
Supplying AC Power to the Device
omplete the olloing steps to operate the device using  poer
 lug the socet end o the  poer cord (included) into the poer supply (also included)
lug the pronged end othe  poer cord into an electrical outlet that is not controlled y aall sitch
 lug the poer supply cords connector into the poer inlet on the side o the device
 eriy that the plug at the side o the device at the poer supply and at the electrical outlet are ully inserted This
ill help to ensure that a secure reliale electrical connection has een made
Note:  the olloing ncorrect oer Supply icon appears on the screen please repeat step 
Important: To remove  poer disconnect the poer supply cord rom the electrical outlet
Warning: Periodically inspect electrical cords and cables for damage or signs of wear. Discontinue use and replace
if damaged.
Caution: Do not use extension cords with this device.
User Manual
Connecting the Breathing Circuit
To use the system you ill need the olloing accessories in order to assemle the recommended reathing circuit
hilips espironics interace (nasal mas or ull ace mas) ith integrated ehalation port or hilips espironics
interace ith a separate ehalation device (such as the hisper Sivel )
hilips espironics eile tuing  m ( t)
hilips espironics headgear (or the mas)
To connect your reathing circuit to the device complete the olloing steps
 onnect the eile tuing to the air outlet on the ac o the therapy device ine up the connector () at the top
of the heated tube to the top of the air outlet port on the back of the device.
2. Press the tubing into place over the air outlet port until the tabs on the side of the tube click into place in the slots
on the sides of the outlet port.
Note:  you are using a standard tue (not shon) instead o a heated tue simply slide the tuing over the air
outlet port on the therapy device.
Note: reuired connect a acteria lter to the device air outlet and then connect the eile tuing to the
outlet o the acteria lter hen using the acteria lter the device perormance may e aected Hoever the
device will remain functional and deliver therapy.
 onnect the tuing to the masor proper placement and positioning reer to the instructions that came ith
your mask.
Warning: Do not pull or stretch the tubing. This could result in circuit leaks.
Warning: Inspect the tubing for damage or wear. Discard and replace the tubing as necessary.
 ttach the headgear to the mas i necessary eer to the instructions that came ith your headgear
Warning:you are using aull ace mas (a mascovering oth your mouth and your nose) the mas must e euipped
with a safety (entrainment) valve.
Warning:the device is used y multiple persons (such as rental devices) a loresistance main o acterialter
should e installed inlineeteen the device and the circuit tuing to prevent contamination
12 User Manual
Icon Text Description
 ressure This screen displays the nightly value o  ressure or the most recent  day
time rame t also displays the average o these individual nightly values o 
ressure over a  day and a  day time rame vailale on the uto model
Upload llos user to initiate a modem call hen an optional ellular Modem or ii
ccessory is installed ter the modem upload has nished the screen ill either
display a green checmar ith the tet ompleted to indicate a successul
upload or a red  ith the tet ailed to indicate an unsuccessul upload  the
upload ails initiate an upload a second time or contact your home care provider
if the issue persists. This screen is locked if modem is off.
our device is euipped ith a seldiagnostic tool called erormance hec
This tool can evaluate your device for certain errors. It also allows you to share
ey device settings ith your home care providerse erormance hec hen
directed to by your home care provider.
t conclusion o the scan the screen displays a green checmar i no issue is
detected  device displays a red please contact your home care provider or
My Setup:
hen you select My Setup you ill e ale to vie the olloing screens ou can change the settings in the Setup
menu. These screens will only display if they are available and enabled on your device.
Icon Text Description
Ramp This displays the ramp starting pressure. You can increase or decrease the ramp
starting pressure in  cm H2O increments.
Flex This allos you to adust the level o air pressure relie that you eel hen you
exhale during therapy. Your home care provider can enable or disable this
eature hen your provider enales le a level ill already e set or you on
the device. You can increase or decrease the setting from 1 to 3. The setting of
 provides a small amount o pressure relie ith higher numers providing
additional relief.
Note: If a lock icon is displayed on this screen it indicates that your
provider has locked this setting and you cannot change it.
Humidication This displays the Humidication Mode eing used ou can choose eteen
ied or daptive Humidication  a heated tue is eing used the device ill
automatically sitch to Heated Tue Humidication Mode  loc symol ill
appear next to the mode setting indicating that so long as the heated tube is
attached to the device this mode cannot e changed Hoever the heater plate
and tue temperature settings can still e adusted on the device Therapy screen
as normal.
13User Manual
Icon Text Description
Mas Type This setting allos you to adust the level o air pressure relie ased on the
specic hilips espironics mas ach hilips espironics mas may have a
System One resistance control setting ontact your home care provider i
you cannot nd this resistance setting or your mas
Note: If a lock icon is displayed on this screen it indicates that your
provider has locked this setting and you cannot change it.
Tube Type This setting allos you to select the correct sie diameter tuing that you are
using with the device. You can choose either (22) for the Philips Respironics 22
mm tuing or () or the hilips espironics  mm tuing hen using Heated
Tuing the device ill automatically change this setting to the appropriate tuing
type (H) and you ill not e ale to change it
Note: Tuing is identied on the cu ith the tuing identier symol 
 or H
Note: If a lock icon is displayed on this screen it indicates that your
provider has locked this setting and you cannot change it.
Language This feature allows you to choose which language to display on the interface. You
can choose nglish or Spanish
hec Mas it This eature allos you to chec the t o your mas prior to starting therapy
This is done by measuring the amount of leak.
Modem llos you to turn modem o temporarily or turn it ac on hen modem
is turned o it ill automatically turn on again ater  days Only displays hen
modem is installed.
luetooth llos you to turn luetooth o and on lso it allos you to clear the pairing
ith a compatile luetooth device
Time llos you to adust the time The deault setting is reenich Mean Time ut
you may adust the time in  minute increments to match your local time one
Note: This time setting is not displayed as a clock function on the device. It is
only used to align your therapy data or your roviders data reports

Specyfikacje produktu

Marka: Philips
Kategoria: Niesklasyfikowane
Model: Respironics DreamStation Auto CPAP

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