Instrukcja obs艂ugi Ikea JOKKMOKK 503.921.28

Ikea Tabela JOKKMOKK 503.921.28

Przeczytaj poni偶ej 馃摉 instrukcj臋 obs艂ugi w j臋zyku polskim dla Ikea JOKKMOKK 503.921.28 (1 stron) w kategorii Tabela. Ta instrukcja by艂a pomocna dla 8 os贸b i zosta艂a oceniona przez 2 u偶ytkownik贸w na 艣rednio 4.5 gwiazdek

Strona 1/1
AA-2120738-4漏 Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2021
Care instructions
Wipe clean with a mild soapy solution. Wipe dry with a
clean cloth.
Care Instruction
Fabric cover: Light stains can be removed with a textile
cleaner or a damp sponge and a mild soapy solution.
Vacuum clean.
Leather Cover
- Clean with a duster or vacuum lightly using the soft
brush attachment.
- Wipe dry with a clean cloth.
- Protect from direct sunlight to prevent drying-out.
Rattan: If placed close to a radiator or other source of
heat, the material can dry out and deteriorate.
For maximum quality
For maximum quality, re-tighten the screws when
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讱专讜爪讛 转注讘 诐讬讙专讘讛 转讗 砖讚讞诪 讜拽讚讛 ,转讬讘专讬诪 转讜讻讬讗 转讞讟讘讛

Specyfikacje produktu

Marka: Ikea
Kategoria: Tabela
Model: JOKKMOKK 503.921.28

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